Autistic Nudists

Autistics of any part of the spectrum can come here to discuss things from nudism to simply sensitivity to clothes.

introduce yourselves, new members!

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i'd like to get to know more about you

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RE: introduce yourselves, new members!

I'm a 45 year old female with Asperger's (only diagnosed in 2009). I've been a home nudist for a while, but only recently joined a group.

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RE: introduce yourselves, new members!

i'd like to get to know more about you

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RE: introduce yourselves, new members!

Hi, I show a high score for aspergers, and do think outside the box on most stuff, some find me weird (too weird for some) others just awkward. I'm certainly socially awkward with people who think and behave conventionally and find it difficult to engage with people who don't think outside the box. I've been fortunate to make some excellent friends (who for various reasons are non conventional either). I do have a range of intense interests and have been lucky to find others who share quite a few of them (but not the full range lol). Since II was a kid I've followed my "own agenda" as some folks put it and done stuff my way and according to my interests, which in the long run I feel has been the right decision, I'm not main stream but I have some good stuff going on and that's what matters most. When I get home from work I've got plenty to do that interests me and some of that I can share with friends.

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RE: introduce yourselves, new members!

i'd like to get to know more about youHI GangI am Jim in Connecticut Grandson on the spectrum always glad to be able to chat and learn more

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RE:introduce yourselves, new members!

Hey there. Always good to know there are fellow autistics out there.
Diagnosed at 40-ish, but always knew I was different in some way. It was a great relief to get the diagnosis. Employed full time as a university lecturer, but undergoing some autistic midlife burnout - I believe it happens to a lot of people.

I do think that we autistics are in general more comfortable without clothes.

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