Atheist Community Of Nudists

This group is dedicated to promoting atheism, critical thinking, and the separation of church and state. All while being our most natural and secular human selves au naturale! What is an Atheist?An Atheist is simply someone who disbelieves or lacks a belief in the existence of God or gods. The worldview of an Atheist can change from person to person and should be examined outside the context of...

Your weekly logical fallacy: appeal to...

This weed you just have to take my word for things because I created this group. I am the absolute authority in how this post is going to go so it has to be true! Yes this week we are going to look at appeal to authority You said that because an...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: bandwagon

Jump on board for a quick logical fallacy. This time we look at the bandwagon fallacy! You appealed to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation. The flaw in this argument is that the popularity of an...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: the...

Time to cash in your chips, roll the dice, and double down on this week's logical fallacy known as the gambler's fallacy! You said that 'runs' occur to statistically independent phenomena such as roulette wheel spins. This commonly...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: appeal to...

Third week of this series and for this one I present you appeal to emotion! You attempted to manipulate an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument. Appeals to emotion include appeals to fear, envy, hatred, pity, pride, and...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: false cause

Here comes week two and this time we look into false cause. You presumed that a real or perceived relationship between things means that one is the cause of the other. Many people confused correlation for causation. Sometimes correlation is...

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Your weekly logical fallacy: Strawman

Starting now I am going to post a logical fallacy with a nudist twist/example. We are going to start out with the tried and true Strawman fallacy. You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack. By exaggerating,...

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Stay awhile and listen

This is not a dead group. Just a very new group. Looking forward to see who joins.

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