Arizona Phx Area Nude Massage
This group is for people who like to trade nude massage or who are interested in it. Phx, Mesa, Tempe, etc. Make connections and enjoy the connections you make.
Return to DiscussionsSo you need someone willing to host, or pick a date and have it at Shangri La or another nudist location. Maybe one of you here in Phoenix that goes very often to Shangri La could speak to management and see if they could give us an area to gather... maybe even a little discount if we come up with a certain number of people...? Hopefully in the Spring when it's warmer?
I've organized things like this in the past and I'm telling you it's not easy... especially getting everyone to agree on a date.
That's why it's better if someone with a large outdoor space would agree to host. Then those who come could bring all the food and drink. Then the host would just have to make their grill available...? Mark and Dan