A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

Posting Nudes Online

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The first nudes I ever posted or sent to anyone were those I used for certification for this site. That was a huge step for me. I was not ashamed of my body, I didn't care who knew I was a nudist, but posting images was an entirely different deal for me.

Well, I got those taken and sent in and the world did not come to an end.

Essentially everyone who knows me knows I'm a nudist -- so, it's not as if there were any concern that someone might find out by seeing nude images of me that were posted to this site or anywhere else.

I did get over it and I no longer care at all.

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RE:Posting Nudes Online

You can tell by my media uploads there are lots of nudes of me on the internet. None of a sexual nature though, no sexual to me anyway.

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RE:Posting Nudes Online

You can tell by my media uploads there are lots of nudes of me on the internet. None of a sexual nature though, no sexual to me anyway.

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RE:Posting Nudes Online

And in my case, everyone already knows. So, really doesn't matter.

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