A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

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I set a goal to upload new pics at least once a week. I am hoping the group will meet this challenge and keep uploading new pics as well. This group is about living naked and unashamed and what better way to prove it than taking pics to document how we live each day of our lives.

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RE: Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

challenge accepted, just put another 3 up. harley

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RE: Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

Just uploaded a lot so let's see if they come through this time.

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RE: Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

Just uploaded a lot so let's see if they come through this time.I did loaded a couple:-)

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RE: Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

Just uploaded a lot so let's see if they come through this time.I did loaded a couple:-)Just uploaded several too :-)

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RE: Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

I'll try. They my not always be recent.

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RE:Challenging everyone in the group to keep the Pics coming!

Looks like its been a while for me, l will start adding pictures now that summer is here.

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