A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

Spreading Naked Joy!

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I have an online friend who, some years ago, referred to my
enjoyment of nudism as ''spreading naked joy''. I loved the sound
of that expression since it said so much what I believe is true
about being here on TN, posting naked photos that are accessible to
all. I enjoy showing my body the same way I'd enjoy showing a
painting or sketch I'd done--having it out there for others to
enjoy.. .

Somewhere along the line it's been instilled in us that we have
'private' parts that we should be embarassed about or even ashamed
to show. Yet, my body is remarkably similar to every other male
body--that's 50% of the human race--so whats to hide? As for those
private parts--penis, scrotum, perineum. They're areas of great
sensuousness, bring great delight in lovemaking, so why not also
celebrate them? As far as backsides, or asses, the TN
Administration seems to have a problem with ass pics (or at least
my ass pics, which they like to delete). It's just one more
part of the human body, fulfills a definite function as well, so
what's to hide among fellow nudists?. .

The word ''exhibitionist'' seems to crop up on here
every now and then. In response, it may apply to me in that I'm
happy to have others view my photos providing they're open to the
nudist idea. Unfortunately, exhibitionist is often used in a
negative way, referring to a flasher or one who uses nudity for
shock value. I wish there were another word in the English language
that could clarify the difference between the two, one being a
positive celebration of bodily freedom while the opposite meaning
refers to a form of perversion. I'm happy having a forum such as
this for that celebration of life as well as the physical aspects
that make us who we are.

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

I'm an exhibitionist and not a bit ashamed of it. I just like to be seen naked - nothing sexual.

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

I have an online friend who, some years ago, referred to myenjoyment of nudism as ''spreading naked joy''. I loved the soundof that expression since it said so much what I believe is trueabout being here on TN, posting naked photos that are accessible toall. I enjoy showing my body the same way I'd enjoy showing apainting or sketch I'd done--having it out there for others toenjoy.. .Somewhere along the line it's been instilled in us that we have'private' parts that we should be embarassed about or even ashamedto show. Yet, my body is remarkably similar to every other malebody--that's 50% of the human race--so whats to hide? As for thoseprivate parts--penis, scrotum, perineum. They're areas of greatsensuousness, bring great delight in lovemaking, so why not alsocelebrate them? As far as backsides, or asses, the TNAdministration seems to have a problem with ass pics (or at leastmy ass pics, which they like to delete). It's just one morepart of the human body, fulfills a definite function as well, sowhat's to hide among fellow nudists?. .The word ''exhibitionist'' seems to crop up on hereevery now and then. In response, it may apply to me in that I'mhappy to have others view my photos providing they're open to thenudist idea. Unfortunately, exhibitionist is often used in anegative way, referring to a flasher or one who uses nudity forshock value. I wish there were another word in the English languagethat could clarify the difference between the two, one being apositive celebration of bodily freedom while the opposite meaningrefers to a form of perversion. I'm happy having a forum such asthis for that celebration of life as well as the physical aspectsthat make us who we are.This may sound strange but I think those that wears clothes with all kinds of designer labels etc...are really are the exhibitionist. We can into this world in our birthdays suits so it our nature state of being.

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

I have an online friend who, some years ago, referred to myenjoyment of nudism as ''spreading naked joy''. I loved the soundof that expression since it said so much what I believe is trueabout being here on TN, posting naked photos that are accessible toall. I enjoy showing my body the same way I'd enjoy showing apainting or sketch I'd done--having it out there for others toenjoy.. .Somewhere along the line it's been instilled in us that we have'private' parts that we should be embarassed about or even ashamedto show. Yet, my body is remarkably similar to every other malebody--that's 50% of the human race--so whats to hide? As for thoseprivate parts--penis, scrotum, perineum. They're areas of greatsensuousness, bring great delight in lovemaking, so why not alsocelebrate them? As far as backsides, or asses, the TNAdministration seems to have a problem with ass pics (or at leastmy ass pics, which they like to delete). It's just one morepart of the human body, fulfills a definite function as well, sowhat's to hide among fellow nudists?. .The word ''exhibitionist'' seems to crop up on hereevery now and then. In response, it may apply to me in that I'mhappy to have others view my photos providing they're open to thenudist idea. Unfortunately, exhibitionist is often used in anegative way, referring to a flasher or one who uses nudity forshock value. I wish there were another word in the English languagethat could clarify the difference between the two, one being apositive celebration of bodily freedom while the opposite meaningrefers to a form of perversion. I'm happy having a forum such asthis for that celebration of life as well as the physical aspectsthat make us who we are.just curious, if you are so happy to others view your photos, why have restricted access to most of them, we are presumably all nudists on here.

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

just curious, if you are so happy to others view your photos, why have restricted access to most of them, we are presumably all nudists on here.
All of my photos are visible for others to see. What's more they're all fully nude. Only one who can't view them are free members, who, typically, can only see the first five of others' photos. Becoming a full (paid) member gives full access.

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

yep first line is visable, rest you need to upgrade to viewharley

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RE: Spreading Naked Joy!

yep first line is visable, rest you need to upgrade to viewharleyEveryone in the group has all public pics or they could not be in the group...just your membership limits what you can see.

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