A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

Celebrating our Nakedness

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Photos are a fun way to celebrate our nakedness, share that
enjoyment with others. It's great that this group exists--members
all have lots of photos posted and they're visible to all of us. Faceless
or private profiles are like going to a nudist club and keeping
your clothes on.

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RE: Celebrating our Nakedness

Photos are a fun way to celebrate our nakedness, share thatenjoyment with others. It's great that this group exists--membersall have lots of photos posted and they're visible to all of us. Facelessor private profiles are like going to a nudist club and keepingyour clothes on.Yes Leo I just got some new equipment to aid in taking more pics...I love celebrating my nakedness and cannot wait to add more pics. I get excited every time I find more pics uploaded to approve keep them coming everyone ;-)

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RE: Celebrating our Nakedness

It certainly rings true with you Leo. Your photos show you relaxed
and really enjoying your nudity. It is so true that it is good
to show ourselves - both in photos and words. Then others can see
the sort of person they are dealing with. It also shows that us
nudists are really quite ordinary people with a rich variety of
interests. I think that helps reassure the new or would-be

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