A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

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Talk about forgetting this what happen today...I have second
job...I do wine demos in package stores here on Cape Cod...so I
have to book some stores today and he sends me their in store
tasting policy and one of the things is their dress code which said
no shorts...well the wine I demo is non-portentous and fun...so I
asked him if I could wear shorts and he emailed me and said if they
were more of a Bermuda type...so I want to show him a pic of the
short that I would be wearing so I laid the shorts out on the bed
and took the pic and emailed it to him from my phone...what I did
not realize until I looked at the pic a bit closer was that
part of my penis was in the pic...he did email me back and said the
shorts were ok to wear and in a second email he said for the
record that pic was totally unappropriated...I emailed him that I
was just as shocked as he was that it was in the pic...I hope it
just stays between him and me and nothing more comes of it...I had
totally forget I was naked when I took that pic.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Talk about forgetting this what happen today...I have secondjob...I do wine demos in package stores here on Cape Cod...so Ihave to book some stores today and he sends me their in storetasting policy and one of the things is their dress code which saidno shorts...well the wine I demo is non-portentous and fun...so Iasked him if I could wear shorts and he emailed me and said if theywere more of a Bermuda type...so I want to show him a pic of theshort that I would be wearing so I laid the shorts out on the bedand took the pic and emailed it to him from my phone...what I didnot realize until I looked at the pic a bit closer was thatpart of my penis was in the pic...he did email me back and said theshorts were ok to wear and in a second email he said for therecord that pic was totally unappropriated...I emailed him that Iwas just as shocked as he was that it was in the pic...I hope itjust stays between him and me and nothing more comes of it...I hadtotally forget I was naked when I took that pic.I got call from my boss about this situation so I am not doing this account now...not sure what other fall-out there will be...got to love the textile world oy!

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Pity! Maybe he thought you would drop the shorts. My photos go
through a process where I can crop out the unwanted bits.

I have on which hangs at the bottom of my stairs. It's not that big
but it has started many a conversation. It's been an ice-breaker at
a party. I call it "The Night I wore my Kilt to a Party and Then
Took It Off". It is of me naked in my local pub at the end of a
good evening. Need I say more? I just uploaded it.

There is another I recently entered into a competition run by the
local radio. The competition is called Naked Gardeners. My picture
on the radio station's website is good publicity for my nudism. I
just uploaded that one too.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Pity! Maybe he thought you would drop the shorts. My photos gothrough a process where I can crop out the unwanted bits.I have on which hangs at the bottom of my stairs. It's not that bigbut it has started many a conversation. It's been an ice-breaker ata party. I call it "The Night I wore my Kilt to a Party and ThenTook It Off". It is of me naked in my local pub at the end of agood evening. Need I say more? I just uploaded it.There is another I recently entered into a competition run by thelocal radio. The competition is called Naked Gardeners. My pictureon the radio station's website is good publicity for my nudism. Ijust uploaded that one too.this isn't the fist time I forgot I was nude and I am sure it will not be the last.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

I got call from my boss about this situation so I am not doing this account now...not sure what other fall-out there will be...got to love the textile world oy!Sorry you lost the contract for that client. You will have to be much more careful in the future.
That job is always a bit of a catch 22 for me...as when I am working that job I cannot see massage clients...It's a fun job but it really is during my busiest time of the year for massage.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

I got call from my boss about this situation so I amnot doing this account now...not sure what other fall-out therewill be...got to love the textile world oy!
Sorry you lost the contract for that client. You will have to be
much more careful in the future.

That job is always a bit of a catch 22 for me...as when I am
working that job I cannot see massage clients...It's a fun job but
it really is during my busiest time of the year for

So I got a call from my boss today concerning this whole ordeal and It
turns out that there was some miscommunication on what I had
actually sent...they actually thought I had sent a naked pic not
just a portion of my penis so when they got the story sorted
out...everyone from my boss to the wine company we promote had my
back as they realized it was totally a accident and not
Basically they thought he made a mountain out of a mole hill...My
boss even said what if it had been one of her tits would it have
been the same outcome...just what I had wondered...anyway to make a
long story short I was praised for the work I have done for the
company and that it is all water under the bridge. I will not
have those accounts but many others.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

I'm glad it worked out. I know when I'm taking photos for my partner's books or other public uses, I try to be really careful of reflective surfaces, shadows, and so forth, just to be sure nothing untoward sneaks in. I've resorted to using a timer sometimes just so I can step completely away. Thanks for the cautionary tale!

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Happy to hear that the situation has been resolved and things are back to normal--somewhat. You raised an interesting question regarding whether it had been one of a woman's titties--would the reaction have been the same? I think not, no big deal would've been made of it is how I see it. Somehow, male nudity does awaken a homophobic paranoia among men in the 'straight' business world, or men who pretend to be straight. By having gotten a pic of your penis out there, accidental or not, it has made a statement regarding sexuality and the human body.

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Glad all worked out in the end, as you say could show was an accident and not intentional!

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Glad all worked out in the end, as you say could show was an accident and not intentional!

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RE: This is what happens when your so used to be nude!

Once I was involved in putting on a play which included a smoked fish packing line. We couldn't use real fish as they would stink. So the props girl had to fake them. On my way to a holiday I passed a fish counter and took a photo of the smoked fish. And I sent it to her - or so I thought. For some reason my phone sent another photo, a full frontal one of me totally naked. It was two weeks before I could get back to her, apologise and show her the right photo. She didn't seam a bit concerned. Theatrical people are very broad minded. We soon faked the fish.

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