A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

It's Only Natural

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The common bond we all share here on TN is the freedom of nakedness and nude recreation. What better way is
there to express enjoyment of our lifestyle than by posting our
nude photos openly, for fellow nudists to enjoy and comment on?
During the last century pioneer Nudist Magazine publishers fought
costly legal battles for their right to publish fully nude photos,
knowing that words alone could not even begin to express the
enjoyment of nudism the way a candid nude photo could. The same
holds true today, for all of us who're proud to be seen naked!

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RE: It's Only Natural

Thanks Nik. I agree that many nudists have external pressures which prevent them coming out as nudists. Why do so many people think of us as perverts? I guess they only get naked for sex. I'm lucky in that I'm retired and have nothing to loose if they do think I'm a pervert. I'm well known in my community - running the Village Hall, being on the Parish Council, Heavily into Armature Dramatics and a regular at the local pub. So they know I'm just like them, but preferring to be naked when I can. (But I was warned not to strip off in the pub on New Years Eve.) I mention my nudism in conversation when I can, or the person I'm talking to might mention it. Just yesterday I was chatting to a man I work with about heating at home and said I keep mine turned up because I'm naked most of the day.

Its quite amusing sometimes to casually drop the fact that you're a nudist into conversations to see the initial reaction. Its not something I do all the time, I try to gauge whether it would be sensible to do. I've never had an adverse reaction, sometimes I can tell not to push it much further, but I've had curious questioning a number of times too. Once they realise I'm upfront and open about being a nudist some people have continued discussing it for some time, as well as re-visiting previous conversations when we've met again. A common topic is about what its like to be naked in front of a lot of people. I usually reply that as It most often happens when I'm at a nudist place, so most other people are naked too, that I don't really think about it, that for me it is normal to be nude in such situations. You can sometimes see their reaction to that reply in their facial expressions better than from how they manage to put it into words.

The idea that nudists are perverts is used by the media and fashion industries to help promote their products, dare I mention religion too as a reason for this (not all religions), are among other reasons for this idea being used. Some Victorians dressed their table legs, as legs should be hidden. At the same time other people in that era would bathe nude in the sea, often same-sex bathing, many were poor workers, as it was easier to wash thoroughly that way when they had no running water. In a way its not a surprise that nudism is met by confusingly different reactions when the past is considered.

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RE: It's Only Natural

I always let my clients know that I am nudist and prefer to do my massage sessions nude...most are very comfortable with it...but once in a while I wear something if a client is uncomfortable with me being nude. In some cases after seeing a client more then once the client has said it was okay for me to be nude.

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RE: It's Only Natural

I always let my clients know that I am nudist and prefer to do my massage sessions nude...most are very comfortable with it...but once in a while I wear something if a client is uncomfortable with me being nude. In some cases after seeing a client more then once the client has said it was okay for me to be nude.

Thats a good occupation to have for the opportunities it gives for nudism. Through being open about your nudism it obviously increases the time you can work nude, a good example of why nudists benefit from being upfront about our way of life.

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