A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

It's Only Natural

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The common bond we all share here on TN is the freedom of nakedness and nude recreation. What better way is
there to express enjoyment of our lifestyle than by posting our
nude photos openly, for fellow nudists to enjoy and comment on?
During the last century pioneer Nudist Magazine publishers fought
costly legal battles for their right to publish fully nude photos,
knowing that words alone could not even begin to express the
enjoyment of nudism the way a candid nude photo could. The same
holds true today, for all of us who're proud to be seen naked!

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RE: It's Only Natural

The common bond we all share here on TN is the freedomof nakedness and nude recreation. What better way is there toexpress enjoyment of our lifestyle than by posting our nude photosopenly, for fellow nudists to enjoy and comment on? During the lastcentury pioneer Nudist Magazine publishers fought costly legalbattles for their right to publish fully nude photos, knowing thatwords alone could not even begin to express the enjoyment of nudismthe way a candid nude photo could. The same holds true today, forall of us who're proud to be seen naked!
I could not agree with more...posting pic of how nudist live
day to day also sends a clear message nudism is not about sex its
lifestyle and we are proud of our beautiful bodies and there is no
shame in being naked in-fact it's much more healthful to the bodies
over all.

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RE: It's Only Natural

I just can't resist taking pictures, usually on holiday and always naked. I agree they are a good way of showing how we enjoy our nudity, and where. There are so many. They range from Christmas on the beach to slightly daring around my neighbourhood to just showing my holidays. Take a look at my profile.

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RE: It's Only Natural

"I could not agree with more...posting pic of how nudist live
day to day also sends a clear message nudism is not about sex its
lifestyle and we are prod of our beautiful bodies and there is no
shame in being naked in-fact it's much more healthful to the bodies
over all."

I agree for the most part. We're not all proud of our bodies
butenjoying a nudist lifestyle is the ultimate step towards
"I am who I am" selfacceptance (for now)

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RE: It's Only Natural

"I could not agree with more...posting pic of how nudist liveday to day also sends a clear message nudism is not about sex itslifestyle and we are prod of our beautiful bodies and there is noshame in being naked in-fact it's much more healthful to the bodiesover all."I agree for the most part. We're not all proud of our bodiesbutenjoying a nudist lifestyle is the ultimate step towards"I am who I am" selfacceptance (for now)And I would agree with you as well...when everything is exposed day in
and day out you see your true self...I think it gives us the purest
insight into who we are and the motivation to change what we don't like
about ourselves.

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RE: It's Only Natural

Agree with all that has been said. There's so much psychological
crap that goes with the wearing of clothes. When dressed my self
image ranges from ''feeling good'' to ''insecure''. Much of
the time I'll be dressed for an occasion, the textile industry's
main goal is to make us buy and they really do a number on us,
subliminally and otherwise, vanity playing a key part. Other times
I feel very unsure of myself: ''OMG, did I remember to use
deodorant/are my armpits sweating'', ''is my fly open'', ''did any
pee drip down the front of my pants when I went to the john'' and
so on it goes. If my belt is too tight I feel fat, other times I'm
just damn uncomfortable with all that stuff on. When dressed the
vanity I mentioned above comes into play as well, we tend to
compare ourselves with to others, outdo one-another. By contrast
nakedness is so natural.. Each of us is who we are, no grand
impressions we're trying to make. Human bodies come in so many
delightful variations, each of us unique, each looking great as nature intended.

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RE: It's Only Natural

Agree with all that has been said. There's so much psychologicalcrap that goes with the wearing of clothes. When dressed my selfimage ranges from ''feeling good'' to ''insecure''.Not to mention so many worthy causes of how that money spent manufacturing clothes could be used...feed the hungry of the world for example. Clothes are so cheaply made anyway they fall apart after a few washings...what a racket...I would rather spend my money getting naked in other part of the world. ;-)

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RE: It's Only Natural

I can't remember exactly when I first shared a recognisable nude photo of myself online, sometime in the last century on a long defunct nudist site. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it for a while beforehand, like many others I had some reservations about where the photos might end up, but it seemed very natural to share photos with other nudists and people interested in nudism. I was often nude in public at places like beaches so it seemed natural to be seen as a nudist online too. I didn't post many nude photos online, just an occasional one, though now I rarely post photos online which are not nudist ones. I'm a nudist, why would I want to do otherwise?! I'm embarrassed to be seen in clothing!
Nowadays I can't quite understand why I held back, I've found my photos used elsewhere but see that as a sort of backhanded compliment. I see nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about people knowing that I'm a nudist, or seeing me naked. Life is too short to let that get in the way of my enjoyment of life as a nudist. I really enjoy seeing other nudists' photos, its only fair to share mine with them.
It not only feels very natural to share nude photos, it is a very normal thing to do in my view. I enjoy photographing other nudists and posing nude for them, on my own or with other nudists. Doing similar in clothing doesn't appeal as much. I've had fun doing a number of photo sessions for nudist clubs' websites and other publicity purposes with like-minded people. I've appeared on the British Naturism website too. You have no control on where these photos get used once you agree to doing them, that gets rid of any last issues you might have about being nude online.

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RE: It's Only Natural

I can't remember exactly when I first shared a recognizable nude photo of myself online, sometime in the last century on a long defunct nudist site. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it for a while beforehand, like many others I had some reservations about where the photos might end up, but it seemed very natural to share photos with other nudists and people interested in nudism. I was often nude in public at places like beaches so it seemed natural to be seen as a nudist online too. I didn't post many nude photos online, just an occasional one, though now I rarely post photos online which are not nudist ones. I'm a nudist, why would I want to do otherwise?! I'm embarrassed to be seen in clothing!Nowadays I can't quite understand why I held back, I've found my photos used elsewhere but see that as a sort of backhanded compliment. I see nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about people knowing that I'm a nudist, or seeing me naked. Life is too short to let that get in the way of my enjoyment of life as a nudist. I really enjoy seeing other nudists' photos, its only fair to share mine with them.It not only feels very natural to share nude photos, it is a very normal thing to do in my view. I enjoy photographing other nudists and posing nude for them, on my own or with other nudists. Doing similar in clothing doesn't appeal as much. I've had fun doing a number of photo sessions for nudist clubs' websites and other publicity purposes with like-minded people. I've appeared on the British Naturism website too. You have no control on where these photos get used once you agree to doing them, that gets rid of any last issues you might have about being nude online.This is the message and example we are trying to get across to the world that Nudism is natural and open. When your comfortable in just your skin it brings a positive energy to shine in all areas of you life.

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RE: It's Only Natural

....This is the message and example we are trying to get across to the world that Nudism is natural and open. When your comfortable in just your skin it brings a positive energy to shine in all areas of you life.I agree. When you're comfortable with being open to all about your nudism that 'positive energy' can come across as an increase in self-confidence. We've discussed with nudist friends a number of times what we all feel are the benefits of our nudism and in particular how we individually deal with it in regard to the textile world. Those who are open about their nudism to all and do things like we do here by sharing our recognisable nudist photos generally come across as confident and in other very positive ways. Those who hide their nudism to various degrees seem less confident in themselves in other areas too. Some of these friends happily spend many hours nude on local beaches where there is a good chance of textile locals seeing them, but are amazed that some of us are openly nude online. I've knowingly been seen nude at the beach by more locals who learned of my nudism that way than by non-nudists seeing me nude in photos online. Of course not everyone who has seen us nude online will let us know this.
I think that sharing nudist photos so as anyone can see them is a very positive thing to do. Firstly, we are stating to the world that we see nothing to be ashamed about being known and seen personally as nudists, or with nudism in general. Once we are recognisably nude online here and elsewhere there is no going back, the photos will stay online somewhere even if you delete them from TN. The more nudists who show themselves naked in photos the better the acceptance of nudism has to get surely.

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RE: It's Only Natural

The lady I'm sketching in the picture was new to social nudism. She was nervous at first. But after an afternoon with two nude men she became totally relaxed and comfortable in her skin. BTW she was an excellent model.

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