A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

It's gone very quiet here....

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....and in many other groups recently, noticeably since the site changed a lot of things late last year. This group used to be well-visited, I doubt that it's the members who have gone camera shy, as we're all supposed to be sharing lots of our own nudist photos to become members. The last post was 7 months ago apparently.

Is it the site changes that have lead to the downturn in participation, or some other things?

Have you all stopped living naked and unashamed?

Has nudism been banned?!

Am I the only nudist here?!

Apologies for the double posting of the photos, have no idea how that happened, one of each only showed as being uploaded, as intended, but it wouldn't be TN without discovering a new bug every so often would it?!

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RE:It's gone very quiet here....

Very true, but quiet everywhere, on the other nudist sites i am on.

Never give up on nudism. It's truly so much a part of who we are.

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RE:It's gone very quiet here....

Even more so as summer ends in the northern hemisphere.
I notice that each year.

But I have to agree that I feel the new site is less user friendly and still has many bugs to be ironed out

We all just love the fact that we are all now tagged as textiles

Another example is when you pick up a post such as tis one but cannot even tell what group the post belongs to

Locations still seem to be a problem

So any newcomers dont get active
And many of us just get frustrated and stop trying

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RE:It's gone very quiet here....

Fully agree. There's so much less activity throughout the whole site. That can be told by just checking your feed. Hard to explain and sad to say but over the years I've been member, TN had been gradually declining, specially 2017...

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RE:It's gone very quiet here....

Very true, but quiet everywhere, on the other nudist sites i am on.Never give up on nudism. It's truly so much a part of who we are.

I have no plans whatsoever to give up on nudism, ever. I agree that it is so very much a part of who we are. After enjoying so many hours of nude freedom over the years, nudism is so very much part of life. I can't imagine not being a nudist.

@AussieDain - I hadn't noticed that the quietening down of activity coincided with the end of the northern summer. If anything I think I'm more inclined to be on here during our cooler months, too busy being an outdoor nudist when its warmer, its fun being contrary! If it makes you feel better, you are tagged as a 'Super Nudist' today. The point about not knowing which group you're going to find a post from your feed in is a very good one. It's a simple piece of coding to implement the tagging of a group name onto feed posts. I tend to think that we now have a similar amount of bugs on this site to the old one, so what the 'upgrade' achieved still remains a mystery. Other than we'd more or less sussed out the old bugs, I'm still coming across new ones on this version.

@panchogziz - "There's so much less activity throughout the whole site. " In the real nudist world that I socialise in locally there doesn't seem to be any fewer nudists around. Our summer was very up and down, not prdictable at all so planning ahead tended not to work, but if there were a few good days over a weekend we saw many nudists at local beaches. We don't use clubs that much but when we have visited them there seem to be plenty of nudists there. Online social media still seems very popular, I don't know if certain interest groups such as nudists are not so inclined to participate in that.

Whatever the reasons are, its good when nudists from around the world do communicate, such as here.

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