A Picture Is Worth More Than 1000 W

Men who prove they live naked and unashamed by having 25 public pics in their profile.

I started this group because photos tell storries!

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I want people to know that I am a nudist and pictures of every aspect of my day to day lifestyle sends a clear message. How many others feel the same?

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

That's why I like being a member of a group like this, as we all share some things in common.Thank you Steve very glad your a part of this group ;-)

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

Life is much simpler if others know that I'm a nudist, sharing nude photos online is one way to be open about my nudism. I'm lucky in that I don't have the issues that some might have to deal with through being open about their nudism, work-type issues, which in my view are stupid as we're all naked when we arrive here. There should be no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed about being nudists or being seen naked, nudity should be celebrated, its natural. Sharing photos of ourselves enjoying life naked is an excellent way to tell stories about why we are nudists, the things we do nude and places we are unashamedly naked at. Nudism is a wonderful way of life.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

I thought I'd try out the opportunity to attach photos to posts that the site 'improvements' have re-introduced. This group seems very appropriate to share nudist photos in the discussions.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

I totally agree. But I just can't resist taking photos when I'm naked.

A while back some friends were looking at our photos on the computer, they remarked that we have far more nudist photos of us than pretty much anything else. It might seem strange but we'd not really noticed this before, looking back we put that down to being nude at home year round and socialising with nudist friends a lot, so there's a high probability of being naked when a camera is in use. Additionally, I'm similar to Olly, I enjoy being photographed nude, I feel far more comfortable and relaxed when I'm naked, its the real me, the nudist me, natural.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

I've tried the options offered to attach photos to a post but they don't seem to be working, yet. Another bug in the upgrade I guess, but the ability to post photos in discussion threads again is welcome, if it works. I can see this group being well illustrated with lots of nudist photos if it works.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

Finally it seems that the photo uploader is working for the discussions. I'll try again. I'm giving a thumbs down to the restrictions on how many photos you can see in the 'media' sections, but a big thumbs up for the ability to share our nudist photos in the discussions.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

I'll try again as it seems we can now share our photos in the discussions, I'll say no more other than that I hope these show why its wonderful being naked outside and why I love being a nudist.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

It seems that we can now add photos to the discussions so I'll try again. I'll say no more other than that I hope these photos show why its wonderful being naked outside and why I love being a nudist.

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RE: I started this group because photos tell storries!

Happy Nude Year to all here.

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