A Nudist's Diary

This is a group where members enjoy to write and read experiences in nudity.

In India Kumbh Mela is one of the most important socio-cultural religious festival where thousands of naga sadhus attend. This was the first time I attended this mela and saw many such naga sadhus. There are some other TN members also who visited the mela.
Let's all share our experiences here.

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RE: Kumbh Mela

Its always been grt pleasure reading ur experiences..

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RE: Kumbh Mela

The mela is over....people are leaving for their home. all will wait for another twelve years for such holy congregation. I just came out from the emptied tent...I am all nude..taking few snaps of mine...nude in Kumbh mela.
I am not sure whether I will be alive for next Kumbh mela at Prayag in 2025.

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