A Nudist's Diary

This is a group where members enjoy to write and read experiences in nudity.

The Chunchi experience -

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Recently I had been to a lovely place named Chunchi falls near Bangalore. Tanks to rdhanu31 as without his help it would have never been possible for an outsider to reach there. Though I had contacted many members, finally it zeroed down to two members - rdhanu and kartik.
I am going to share that experience here, soon.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

Dhanush and Suhrit were playing with water. They came here in last May and lived here ever since. Eight months passed summer came and summer went, monsoon came and monsoon went, autumn came and went.Dahush and Suhrit were happy there in all these seasons. So many people came here in between. Bubbly students came in group, who ate popcorn and kurkur and banana
chips and pepsi and coke and beer.
Some felt they should remain here as immortal so they wrote there names on the rocks (and the rocks laughed). Some felt they should give back something to nature, so they broke the beer bottle into pieces.
This morning, at around 11.30 am, Suhrit and Dhanush were lying naked in water. Suhrit was doing his usual prank blocking a flow of water with his butts. Suddenly the sound of falling water stops. And then after 3 minutes Suhrit lifts his butts an inch and water gushes with magnified speed and sound. Dhanush saw something and he called Suhrit.
- Hey, look! Who all is coming?
- I can see Suhrit, Dhanush and Karthik said Dhaush
-Owo, great! Man! But who's Karthik by the way?
-Dont you remember, last time he was supposed to come.but could notso he wanted to have coffee with us, before we left. But we
waited and then we left. Thats Karthik.
-Thats amazingthis time he could make it, finally.
-Yah. And you know what? He bunked office. His boss is on leave and he is supposed to take care of work..and you see, he is here.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

Karthik perked his car and came outand a call came from his office. Suhrit and Dhanush started walking..they cant wait. The place is irresistibly calling them and it is almost like the nature swallowed both of them in a trice. Suhrit was looking for suhrit, Dhanush was looking for Karthik and karthik was looking for a number his juniors. Karthik has to call. He made a call and then received a
call. And he made a call and then received another call. Karthik was talking to his people, managing office from remote. He took a step down..and lo! The final call came. This time, from Chunchi. So he looked up and got hooked up.
He took two more steps down and the disaster happened.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

what happened then?????

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

The tower went. No network for mobile connection.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

plz dont leave ur experiences unfinished......what happened later?

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

3 of us got down. We found a nice spot and we immediately stripped - me and Dhanush. There were some other guys also. They were not nude but did not have any hang ups with us being nude. Karthik did not strip....he was wearing a red undie with a cartoon face on his bum.
I was asking karthik to strip. He was perhaps not feeling comfortable. Moreover he works in a responsible position where he has a public face also..so definitely he had reasons.
But I was quite insistent.
Once I had a secret plan with Dhanush that I would pull of his trunk suddenly...and make him stand nude in front of all those guys.
But the moment I touched the band of his undie he became alert.
Finally I was able to convince him to strip....not there where those guys were also there. but he agreed to strip and have bath and pose for pic at a place where one has to get down further. there is a corner which can not be seen from outside.
I told him - Fine...lets go there...I will take some pics of you there..

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In the picture you see , Dhanush walking nude, karthi is examining the place for a nude bath.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

wowww !!! very nice exp...i miss this nudity..... :(....suhrit and rdhanush miss u dudes.....

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

Now karthik is quite convinced and he got down at the place and stripped. And he kept his Undie (with a joker on his butt) on a rock. I requested him - hey don't keep it there...it will fall down. He gave it to me with some doubt...which I could read on his face.
Then i clicked some pix in his cam....and I told him - Now come up.
He asked for the Undie
I gave him a smile - 'come up'
Suhrit, you are not going there - said Karthik
Just come up - i said.
He took one step more - Now give me my undies back.
One step more - come up
He took one more step
Give me it back Suhrit.
Come up two steps more......
All ttime I was observing him. He was taking one step up and its not only he was scaling the rocks but the inhibitions and hesitations mode of socialization, practice , taboo etc.
He was becoming more and more free.
And finally he step up at one level from the whole world can see him walking nude.
I threw him the Undie but he did not touch it...did not look at it. It's no more needed.
I was looking at his beautiful body...as if carved on rock......dark complexion, chiseled face, broad shoulder, smooth body, well hung penis and nice balls, massive thighs.
There was bright sunlight and in that light both Dhanush and karthik were looking like two Greek angels.

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RE: The Chunchi experience -

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