Spiritual Naturism

To adopt Naturism as a spiritual platform for Athma Vichara Yoga Tantra. To integrate Naturism with Spiritual well being. Nakedness in body & mind and to go beyond...Brahma Nirvaanam .

Naturism - in Totality....

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Most people think Naturism is all about nakedness, being without clothes...Thats true, but its only part of the whole...Being Natural in body (nakedness) should spread further to other aspects of ones life...
Like, one should try to take natural food (uncooked vegan food as much possible - like fruits, vegetables as given by Nature), loving all forms of life in Nature and achieve nakedness in mind as well...
Here, nakedness in mind - refers to being without unwanted thoughts so that one is able to remain in peace and joy as much possible.
Hence, naturism is a spiritual platform, using by which the spiritual naturist moves further to adopt naturism in all spheres of life and more importantly working towards a natural mind, which is called, the 'Brahma Nirvana'...

Athma Vichara Yoga Tantra - is the most direct and comprehensive spiritual path to achieve such Naturism in Totality!

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