South Jersey Eastern Pa North Delaw

Meet those nudies in these close areas. To talk get together plan events or let others know of happenings. Or where others know of spots to hang out naked

When you least expect it...

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I worked up north all week so with the holiday coming this weekend we all knew the traffic would be bad and had hoped to get done early on friday maybe go to gunnison beach, or to sunny rest.
Well we didnt finish early and traffic was getting bad so i thought about going down to Delaware and as i was driving on 206 i felt the urge to go down 70 east to the state park and oh how happy i am that i did.
Nobody was there and i walked for over an hour nude on the paper trails so excited the sun still out warming my body it was pure joy. I only saw a motorcycle pass he waved i was totally naked just my water shoes on. He went by doing a wheely i went by doing a stiffy. He didnt stop but he did wave.
The trails next to the water were so nice but the green heads were troubling at times.
Heres some pictures of my day... Have you ever been to this place in the pines?
Tell me where youve been lately?

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