Merseybare - Gay Men And Friends Me

Group for gay men and friends in Liverpool and Wirral to meet up and hang out.

January meet up

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Hi All,

Anybody interested in a meet up in January in Liverpool ?

Should have moved to my new place by then and would be a great welcoming party too

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RE:January meet up

Nothing, just everything moved and set up lol

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RE:January meet up

Yep, sounds great ! .....As long as you promise to put the heating on !

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RE:January meet up

Yep, sounds great ! .....As long as you promise to put the heating on !

I promise

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RE:January meet up

Count me in!

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RE:January meet up

I'm up for it too

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RE:January meet up

I am interested, I hosted a meet in my home a few months ago

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RE:January meet up

Did I miss this??

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RE:January meet up

Did I miss this??

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RE:January meet up

Moving house always takes longer than we expect.

Yes indeed, still settling in.

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