Merseybare - Gay Men And Friends Me

Group for gay men and friends in Liverpool and Wirral to meet up and hang out.

Looking for host in Liverpool Weekend 11-13

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Hi guys!

I want to go next weekend (11-13 Oct) to Liverpool to visit the Keith Haring exhibition at the Tate Liverpool and if possible, getting to know to city.

If you want to show me around, Id love it. You are very welcome to join me to come to the exhibition, offering you a free ticket. If you have already been, youre very welcome anyway, if youre a fanatic of Keith Haring and gay-themed art.

Please send a private message if you can host me for one night or more. I can stay one night, or two, if possible. Its also fine if you cannot hang out. Also send me a message if you want to come with me to the exhibition during the day.

Thank you,

My CS profile:
Keywords: gay, Spanish, Latin, illustrator, naturist, multilingual, multicultural

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RE:Looking for host in Liverpool Weekend 11-13

Hi mate
Im sorry I didnt see your message. My Dad is staying with me this weekend otherwise you could have stayed here.

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RE:Looking for host in Liverpool Weekend 11-13

Hi, thank you! I hadnt seen your message! But Ill be in Liverpool next weekend, staying with a naturist mate.

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