. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Having 1 testie

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I used to be ashamed as I only have 1 ball. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer which was operated on and good until a few years later when it came back. The Dr then made the decision to remove that testie. I have been without 1 since I was 18. Used to be embarrassed now it is a part of life. Always been jealous of those with 2.

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RE:Having 1 testie

Thanks for sharing. I imagine we have two so we can be like royalty for an heir and a spare. Stay healthy and proud to be a survivor!

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RE:Having 1 testie

You are not alone, there are actually several of us on here with only one. I had one removed when I was 16 and have never had any problem. Though some guys will get brave enough to ask, and that usually leads to show & tell which can lead to some play.

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RE:Having 1 testie

im honered to be part of a group were you can expose things an share

im so sorry everyone in my familty passes of one kind of cancer er the other..

im so happy you beat the cancer an are here with courage an confidence..

heck id be ok if you only had makes you special an unique..

Bravo fer your courage !!!!!!!!

Ps;Dang you are cute too !

mine flop an get in the way....offshore was bullied an teased...

the sex horseplay in the showers they would grab was embarresing..?

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Check out "Men With One Testicle"

Wish I had found this group earlier. . .I just started the discussion you see above.
On Tumblr it was possible to post closeups of guys with one ball. . . .here not.
Here is my introductory post. . .and the reason I started to write about having one ball.

"Naturism is often difficult for men at first. Many men take years to get used to being naked at the beach or with others. For men with one ball, getting "into" nudism can be twice as traumatic. . .and may indeed discourage a guy from visiting that nude beach for the first time. True, it is a condition that is not always apparent, but often it is or the one balled guy imagines that it is....

Might be worth doing a blog so that all of us oneballers can get together

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RE:Having 1 testie

Im glad you have overcome your modesty and can enjoy Nudism. Having 1 or 2 balls doesn't define you as a person. I dealt with dysphoria and finally had both my testicles removed. I am very happy I had the surgery and I also had the scrotum removed. I identify as a Eunuch but most people assume I'm male and since I look male im not offended. There doesn't exactly seem to be a spot for a third gender, Eunuchs are not well understood or recognized but so far I've been fully accepted in nude social circles.

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RE:Having 1 testie

so important for the younger guys to see this conversation and so happy you bought it up. Very happy you are a survivor and doing well know =, it is nothing to be ashamed of and so happy you got over the fact you only have one testical stay healthy and naked and proud

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RE:Having 1 testie

Well done on being so open and honest. A friend years ago was also diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to have one removed. He was newly married at the time, late 20's I think. The positive was he educated a heap of us guys about something we knew nothing about, pretty much most of us went and had check ups and learned how to properly check ourselves. Hope things are still going well.

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RE:Having 1 testie

One is more than none, that is how I look at my circumstance!

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RE:Having 1 testie

I have only had one teste on the outside while the other one still rests in side my body which the doctor keeps saying he wants to remove him. I always enjoyed fucking a lady and having my single ball bounce on her bum. Always added excitement to our love making. Also the ladies told me it is easier to suck on one ball than 2 of them as it is easier to get the one in her mouth instead of two or switching back and fourth. Even had a baby girl when I lived with one lady. Still enjoy showing it off in my pictures with my short man. Also have found a lady friend to be with and see. After a few naked meetings I told her about my single ball and she loves playing with it. She knows how to make me feel good.

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RE:Having 1 testie

Gods for me that others share this

I had mumps when 16 and that basically wiped out one ball. Wouldnt be honest to say it hasnt concerned me at times. After all we do like to be like others. However it has never stopped me from enjoying naturism. Nor has it stopped me having kids
I have never had a single adverse comment.
There are times when I occasionally wonder what it might be like to have two well hung balls but in reality I have realised that this is me and there are far worse things that can happen to a person

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