. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

I know maybe slightly off topic but it's the right body part and we are all oepn enough to talk about it. Who's had thier balls snipped? I'm due to have mine done in the next couple of months. How have people found the procedure? The recovery? Pain after? I've heard some guys have painful ejaculations afterwards. Anything I need to be aware of?


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I'm 62 an had mine 2 days ago. I wanted to have it done 25 years ago after our third child was born, I was ready and happy with 3 kids. My wife was initially but then got cold feet, she needed to agree at that stage as I recall. We got by and she went back on the pill to regulate her cycle at the time, it was all over the place. She had to have a procedure a couple of years later and the female doctor asked if she wanted her tubes tied, she did and we we fine. Sadly she lost her battle with Ovarian Cancer a few years ago and i have a new partner who is 49 and still having a period. She is pre-menopausal and wants to go onto therapy to help with that and can't be on the pill, so I got the snip. I thought at 62 I may set some sort of record but no, older men than me have had it. So far so good, quite a bit of pain later the same day, pain yesterday but has reduced today. He left the vas tube from the teste open, cut out a piece and tied off the tube above the piece of the tube cut out. The worst part was the local given first and then the clamps to hold the vas in place before the incision & section cut out. Now it's just time until I give a sample to show no swimmers are left.

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I have and it was quite some time ago. I think I was in my mid 30's when I had it done. It was a mutual agreement with my wife, but she wasn't completely happy about it. She liked the idea of getting off the pill at an early age, but she really wanted to try for a boy. With my family's history, we could have kept trying and ended up with 4 or 5 girls!!!

I relayed a story to a friend here and I'll shorten it so's not to ramble.

I had the procedure done and went back to work too early. I was a firefighter. At the time, I was a firefighter/paramedic and was assigned to a very busy unit. The constant up and down, in and out of the squad, trotting here and there did not do well for my newly stitched ball sack. I ended up popping two stitches and had to go to the ER where the doctor and nurse (both of them I knew quite well) stitched me back up. I should have gone home but I didn't. I worked the rest of the 24 hr shift and then went home for 2 days and recouped. When I returned to work on the third day, I was better and well enough to do the job without limitations.

Word to the wise, take the time to heal properly. Trying to be a macho guy isn't smart! LOL

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Andy, thanks for the good advice. I was wary about doing this later in life but I know I needed to. Cheers.

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Hi, I came on to say "don't worry about the procedure, it's no big deal" because that's how mine was about 17 years ago shortly after our son was born. My wife had 1 terrible experience after the other with birth control so I agreed getting snipped was our best option.
Did it on a Fri after work, was less than an hour, no stitches, went home slept alot over the weekend, had very minimal pain, went back to work on Monday. Followed all the instructions and used the bag of peas and everything was fine.
The worst part was having to leave my deposit to be tested afterwards, (making sure there no more swimmers) which was just in the bathroom of the lab in the lobby, not the worst place I've done it I guess but for sure not the best. Haha!
The whole thing for me was not a big deal at all but very very sorry to read the stories of the guys whose experience was not good.

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Thanks for the comments. I'm healed and all is good, working well. I just have another month before I have to provide a sample to test for swimmers. Hoping that's a good outcome so my partner can be off the pill.

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