. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...
Steel Rings feel SO Good
Return to DiscussionsIt's a marvelous look (though yours have been deleted*), butt I prefer 1 or 2 heavy steel shackles; don't have the patience ... or endurance? ... for forcing theBoys through several gates/ rings & prefer to avoid the pinch. When lubricated (olive oil) the scrotum flesh stays supple enough to glide freely all-day through 24/7 wear. That & the PULL of 2lbs to 5lbs of weight is MANSBESTFRIEND.
* Hope the draconian tn thought police censors don't delete these ON TOPIC detailed illustrations of the theme.