. . . the other part of what makes us males. There's any number of penis groups here on TN: large penises and small ones; circumcised/ uncircumcised, foreskin restoration, etc. However, there's none that I'm aware of having to do with testes. I've titled the Group "Balls" since, aside from at the doctor's office, it's the term most frequently used in referring to...

Just to get an idea of how our members hang, I thought a poll might be fun. Let us know the following as to how your balls hang:
"A" Group: High or minimally hanging balls;

"B" Group:
Low hangers;

"C" Group:
Super Low Hangers (bottom of balls hang below tip of your flaccid penis.

Feel free to add photos, descriptive text as well.

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RE:A Brief Survey

C group here

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RE:A Brief Survey

I would say group B

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RE:A Brief Survey

We all have one ball lower than the other its so they dont rub together and squash each other but answer the question I hang pretty high most of the time unless sticking hot they will stretch down a little so its A and B inbetween

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RE:A Brief Survey

A group here

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RE:A Brief Survey

Well, I have been complimented many times on my balls and scrotum (which is very active and responsive). I am usually a B, but easily become an A when aroused or in cold water. I am a good C when relaxed in the heat or sun. I have some good examples (pics), if anyone is interested. At the beach, laying out, I can go from a C to an A and back to a C, by going in the water and then drying in the sun after, for a little while.

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RE:A Brief Survey

Group A I think to be honest normally, ever since I was young, my testicles are pretty small anyway and usually barely visable and quite a few people including both relatives and friends have commented on them to! Sometimes if I'm lucky though and it's warm enough and they have been fondled and pulled long enough, then they do hang down a little more after swelling, so maybe just about a 'B'. I have used cock rings and ball weights in the past, very tricky to fit and not ideal as I haven't been able to find any small enough to stay on in comfort for more than five minutes sadly!

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RE:A Brief Survey

Im in between A Group and B Group .
My balls tend to hang just a little bit under my cock when I'm flaccid. With the tip of my cock lining up with the top of my testicles.
I also think it's common for the left testicle to be a bit lower than the right one on guys.

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RE:A Brief Survey

I love a C and Im only a C if Ive been laying down and warm. I usually an A or B

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RE:A Brief Survey

I love a C and Im only a C if Ive been laying down and warm. I usually an A or B

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RE:A Brief Survey

Group c unless it is really cold out, then group b.

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