Australia Nude Places

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Maslin Beach in the news for the wrong reason.

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Nudists made a citizens arrest at Maslin Beach in South Australia this week.I'm not sure what the law is on being photographed or filmed on a public beach without permission. Does anyone know?
Nowadays people are filmed by CCTV in public with no permission. How is being on a nude beach any different than a clothed beach under the law?

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RE: Maslin Beach in the news for the wrong reason.

Having read the story, I find the thought of being exploited by being deliberately filmed without my permission to the advantage of, by any desperate attempt of gain. I cannot blame the nudists for their action. Unfortunately it had to be at Maslin Beach, where this happened, however this could have happened at any other Nudist Beach.It always depends on, who is around and with what intend, to cause a stir.

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RE: Maslin Beach in the news for the wrong reason.

The news article I read indicated that someone (nude) had a concealed camera (it didn't way whether it was a camcorder or just a regular camera) in an esky. It indicated that the nudists asked him to move off...which he did only to aim the camera at another couple, at which point several nudists on the beach made a citizen's arrest and detained the guy until the police came. When the police came the guy did have a concealed camera but he was let go because apparently there were no images on the camera.
I will say, I learned of this through social media and those responding to the post, though mostly non-nudists, were very supportive of the nudist position and did not think the incident reflected negatively on nudists at all. On the contrary, they applauded the action taken by the nudists on the beach.

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