50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Group Rules for Perspective Members

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BLANK, PRIVATE OR MINIMALLY FILLED OUT PROFILES ... will NOT be allowed to join. Must have a profile picture. Those members that have not logged onto the site in over 90 days will be dropped and you can reapply for membership to the group.

Profile photos: 99% or more of the requests I get from people that have no profile photo have zero info in their profile. How are you suppose to be taken seriously as a member here or as a True Nudist is you're not willing to share information about who you are, where you are, what your interests are ... take the time to fill out your profile, post a picture of yourself and I'll gladly take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

ANY male members that post pictures of themselves with erections will not be allowed to join. I go through your profile and your gallery. If I see pictures that do NOT conform to TN photos policies, you will NOT be allowed to join. Torso only photos, selfie butt shots, photos from the ground up between your legs and headless photos will also be grounds for membership deletion and non acceptance into the group.

It takes very little time and effort to fill out a profile. If you don't have the time, patience and willingness to fill out your profile, I can't take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

Thanks for you understanding and cooperation.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members


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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

There are a good number of genuine people on TN but the overall activity on the site has dipped significantly since the end of last year. There were a lot of significant changes on this site around that time. Coincidence?

Sometime it feels like the more active members are being swamped out by a larger number of zombie nudists. So often when I check the profiles of prospective members they say very little, despite the group home page clearly asking for profiles to have a certain amount of detail about the person(s) applying here. I've hidden the username of one I turned down today, in doing so the detail was reduced by 33% -

About ******

Anonymous - 65

Gender - Man

Orientation - N/A

Height - 0' 0"

Weight - 0

Hometown - N/A

Education - N/A

Religion - N/A

Income Level - N/A

There was no other information on the profile, other that that they had joined TN 5 hours ago and last logged in 4 hours earlier.

This example is far from unusual. I thought I'd post it here so as others can see why Andy initiated this thread and has bumped it up the discussion page. But Mr ***** didn't read the homepage or the first discussion topic. Maybe he can't read, maybe he only has picture books at home. You have been warned, the age of the zombie nudists is upon us!!!!

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

There are a good number of genuine people on TN but the overall activity on the site has dipped significantly since the end of last year. There were a lot of significant changes on this site around that time. Coincidence?Sometime it feels like the more active members are being swamped out by a larger number of zombie nudists. So often when I check the profiles of prospective members they say very little, despite the group home page clearly asking for profiles to have a certain amount of detail about the person(s) applying here.

All very true. I think there are many men (of course) who find a group like this accidentally, through a search or even some sort of cloaked group who join for less than honorable reasons. They then race through the site looking for profiles and groups to join simply to view the photos or try to connect for sex chats. You especially see them in the chat room where probably 80% of the people do not participate. However, as soon as a woman signs on suddenly they have an urge to converse, but in private, of course. Same with groups like this. They try to join up a mass of groups in the the hopes of getting a few acceptances so they can connect with someone or simply gawk at naked penises, breasts and butts.

I know, I know, I'm a bit cynical, but that's simply my observations.


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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

I find the chat room mostly inappropriate
And the website seems to have declined over the past year. This perhaps coincides with the change of website that was only partially completed

Locations don't seem to work
Everyone seems to classified as textile these days

I am a paid member and find it frustrating

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

I get several member requests per day. Not sure how many my co-mod, Nik, sees per day but I've gotten to the point where I don't even look any further into screening a perspective member if they don't have a picture up on their profile. If no profile pic - denied automatically. If profile pic is of their torso, butt, dick, only - denied automatically. If I delve further and find erection pics in their profile, information that suggests they are here for hook ups, sex chat, pic swaps, naked cam chats or are swingers ... - denied.

I want the groups I Moderate to be good clean fun groups. True Swingers has their own site and these sex starved people hiding behind nudism can start their own groups over on that site and leave this site alone.

The only way for True Nudists to survive not becoming another True Swingers site is to hound the TT's with complaints about what they are allowing this site to become. Without agreeing to accept help from those that are willing to do so for free, just to keep the site worthy of it's name, True Nudists will fade away and will only be inhabited by fakes, trolls and the perverse cancer that seems to infect all the other unchecked nudist sites that went without Administration or Moderation.

But, I suspect that this won't happen. There's is fear in the masses that if you complain, they'll just boot you from their site and this is all some people have. The number of fakes, pervs and trolls are waiting in line to join and some will pay and that's what these sites are all about ... the monies that are brought in to the owners. Some will argue that there are numerous factions to nudism, that is true, but this is True Nudists and any other faction in addition, should find their specific site and place and leave this site to those that are truly True Nudists.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Some years ago, I was in a bad situation relationship wise. I was actively looking for the perverse, on-line relationship. I spent a LOT of time in chat rooms dedicated to those desires. Because of that, I fell into bad habits. I have since gotten into a VERY good personal relationship and no longer need that outlet. However, I have found that I STILL fall into those bad habits while in chat. I, therefore, do NOT chat.

I am grateful to Andy and ALL the admins on the groups Andy moderates for their diligence in keeping this nudist site about NUDISM and not sex or swinging. PLEASE keep up the good work. Although I am not interested in being an admin (I spend too much time on-line as it is) I am interested in helping to keep the site about nudism. How might I accomplish that?

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

It may seem as though it doesn't do any good to do so ... but, flagging comments, flagging members and flagging photos that are rude, disrespectful, demeaning or of a sexual nature, might finally get the Admins to make some changes. If we sit and do nothing, we are part of the problem.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Its great to see a string of well reasoned posts in this thread, sure there might be a high amount of cynicism included in them, but hey, we're all over 50 and seen a bit of life, cynicism, of the healthy variety, is not out of place in my view. The thoughts about why so many fakes inhabit the parts of the internet where we nudists are reflect my own views well. The fact that in the 21st century we can openly discuss our nudism online is to be welcomed, though personally I don't see nudism to be any different to other interest groups. There still are so many people for whom everyday social nudity is unlikely to ever happen, while to some of us here it is what happens everyday. Nudity is very normal for us, we've socialised naked for many years, we don't give it a second thought, it is how we choose to socialise, we are nude at home on our own and when most friends visit, we regularly go to nude beaches and visit nudist clubs and spas. I've no idea how many real life nudists we've seen, or how many have seen us nude, its a very regular occurrence. It is very easy to forget that nudity is not encountered by a lot of other people in similar ways. I believe that nudists openly discussing our way of life will make it a more widely accepted lifestyle, hiding away behind walls and fences might be necessary to keep real life voyeurs etc away to give us peace of mind, but it can also signal that we see nudity as shameful, that we need to hide it. Until this conundrum is overcome successfully we're going to struggle to be more widely accepted in our preferred state of nudity, while this is the case we're going to have to deal with the fakes, scammers etc etc

I agree with the views expressed about not sitting back and letting the site become something other than what it is supposed to be, its the users, principally the active ones, that make a site what it is and the owners should appreciate the fact that without active participants here their (and our) site will die. Take away, or alienate, one of the major elements needed for its success and the end is near, its already declining at a rapid rate. New malfunctions keep appearing - friends of group members can now post in groups that they don't belong to, which eliminates the purpose of setting up a private group, there is no effective membership screening currently. I've worked in web design a lot, my cynical side can't see how that wasn't a deliberate mistake (what well-intended improvement would leave the door open like that?!!), this can boost the flagging site interaction by allowing anyone to post in say region specific groups, or a single gender only group. But the longer term result will likely be even less participation if this continues.

@Andy - I'm finding member applications to be much as you describe. This morning it was a pleasure to find the one I found waiting to be filled out in all of the sections in detail, along with numerous photos and signs of active site participation as well as obviously being nudists, you know who you are, welcome here.

As for this group and its genuine nudist members, enjoy this way of life. You don't need me to tell you that I know, be naked, be free, enjoy.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

I'm bumping this thread in the hope that prospective members read it and work out that where it says " A group for nudists 50 years old or more" on the home page that this is what we mean this group is for. 46, 38, N/A etc are not 50 years old or more!

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Well that didn't help much! A 36 y o from Queensland, Australia who obviously doesn't read much was knocking at our door today!

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