50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Weather forecasts

As any nudist who enjoys outdoor nudism knows, the weather influences our enjoyment of it greatly. We're in SE England, on the coast, so the sea influences our weather significantly, especially at this time of year when sea mists are quite...

Cover picture

We love the "new" cover photo you picked Andy. We hope that is us in 20 years. :)


At over 70 I'm living life while I can. It is great fun throwing away all the inhibitions and trying new experiences, new ways of enjoying social nudity. As things get ticked off my bucket list new ones are added.

A message to prospective members of this...

Prospective members being denied ... This thread is intended for those members wishing to join this group but are being denied, by me, for various reasons. The rules state clearly that BLANK, PRIVATE or MINIMALLY filled out profiles will not be...

Mature nudists

Its so nice to be able to chat and share information with other cpls in the same age group. We are in Bedford, Va. and its getting to cold to keep enjoying the nude outdoors so just have to enjoy it indoors now until next year. Its been so nice...

Time spent on nudist websites.

After reading a few comments on another thread about time spent online discussing nudism, I wondered when other nudists are more likely to be on this or similar sites. I was reading comments where some people said that during warmer weather when...

We have 47 years Monday

It is great to see so many long time married couples. Wish everybody a great year and happy one

Member Alert ...

Members of the 50 Plus group. We received a message from members of TN that a "couple" by the handle "richardandcindy" have used their photo and represented it as his/their own. Please be advised that richardandcindy have done...

palm springs

we are starting to think about going to desert sun resort soon (in the next month) anyone want to go?

Have any of you noticed.......

This group is called 50+...and hopefully, that is not our average IQ!! But really, I've noticed that starting about a year or so ago, along with increasing 'white walls' on the side, I've been more likely to be addressed as 'Mr....