50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

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Advantages off the top of my head is having learned some valuable life lessons along the way including way to often learning the hard way. Experiencing some awesome events and a few adventures. Seeing your kids if you have had them successfully launch and watch them make there way through life. Those phone calls and visits asking mom or dad advice when they come into challenges or just to chat, hug and them saying love you mom / dad.

Disadvantage is aches, pains, busted up body from life, years of hard work which leads into all kinds of Dr visits, meds and surgeries. I busted my shoulder last year and headed for more surgery along with 1/2 dozen other things I need to be in the shop for but I am one so very happy blessed man. I don't care about how much pain or me being sick the past 3 yrs it's how this is weight and concern on Luann's shoulders and her operating my business when I'm laid out.

Oh by the way, I just got the opportunity to experience that Coved swap test which I think it goes up far enough to swab brain matter. I swear the swab went down my throat and tickled my lung. I'm sure some of you can testify to that as truth. :D

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

Just had an experience today that made me dislike getting older.

I stopped at a chain restaurant to pick up some food. First, I forgot my mask and had to go back to the car to get it as if I was not already tired. Then when I get inside, the big menu boards above the registers were gone. I though No problem, I know what I want except, they dont make those now, everything is a la carte. The problem is, I could read the small print on the new disposable paper menus so I had to go back to the car again and get my glasses.

Not being able to see to read is the one thing I really dislike about getting old.

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

Just had an experience today that made me dislike getting older.Not being able to see to read is the one thing I really dislike about getting old.

I feel your pain. When I hit my 40th birthday (yikes, 25 yrs ago), like magic, small print was unreadable.

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

I must agree on the aging routine...its a real pain, literally. If its not having to move slowly after sitting for a spell, its having to adjust your distance from a box to be able to read the print. But, its part of the deal. As my late father in law said, getting old isnt for sissies . He was spot on. Ill take it and keep playing with the grandkids.

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

Just had an experience today that made me dislike getting older.Not being able to see to read is the one thing I really dislike about getting old.I feel your pain. When I hit my 40th birthday (yikes, 25 yrs ago), like magic, small print was unreadable.

I'm lucky in that I'm very near sighted. I can see crystal clear/sharp up very close. Comes in handy in a lot of situations.

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

I know this is an old thread, but I just turned 50 this year and was actually excited about it. Im in my second career and my kids are older, but not out of the house yet, and Im totally fine with that. I was recently introduced to nudism (past couple years) by my boyfriend. I can honestly say Ive never felt better about myself, accepting myself for the way I look, thanks to him and the people on this website.

I grew up in a negative environment and that is a very hard cycle to break, thinking negative about myself and worrying about what others thought of me. So I felt like turning 50 was like starting a new chapter in my life and Im excited to see what the future has in store!!!

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RE:This 50 and older thing advatages and disadentages

I agree with you, and shoulder surgeries are no fun. I've had 2 on my left shoulder and regret not doing more physical therapy work at home.

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