50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

This 50 and older thing advatages and...

Advantages off the top of my head is having learned some valuable life lessons along the way including way to often learning the hard way. Experiencing some awesome events and a few adventures. Seeing your kids if you have had them successfully...

"Back in the day..."

Not sure if our friends across the pond ever use/used this saying but we hear it a lot here in the US. "Back in the day...", I heard some 30 something guy say it not long ago. It made me laugh because, I thought... what could he be...

Group Rules for Perspective Members

BLANK, PRIVATE OR MINIMALLY FILLED OUT PROFILES ... will NOT be allowed to join. Must have a profile picture. Those members that have not logged onto the site in over 90 days will be dropped and you can reapply for membership to the group. Profile...

Just a reminder; be a little more careful

I wanted to post this as a reminder to all of us; be a little more careful with your daily activities. Were all past 50 and the bumps & bruises come much more easily. Ive currently re-injured my lower back and it seems to get easier to do and takes...

Security Cameras

I recently had my business and home loaded up with security cameras and not the few hundred $$$ cheapo's. I gave my IT guy requirements that my home was to be hack proof and locked down not lofted into net or sent to the "cloud". That...

Humerous things that just happen that make...

It just tickled me over the weekend. Luann and I were at our club opening things for the season. My best buddy of 40 yrs rolls up wih his wife on their golf cart. No biggie what so ever. Luann is being seemly being more openly nude more than ever...

The end I think

Luann is not going to do another photo shoot or pics if not taken by me. She has an opportunity next summer for a shoot but I am not going to past this point. It's kinda of a sad day for me but a comfortable one for her. I'll give her props...

Happy Nude Year. How was your 2020 for...

I hope that 2021 proves to be better than last year for us all, though life is not going to get easier for some time to come yet. These are my reflections on a year that I'm pleased to see the back of and how it affected our life as nudists,...

"..that's not naturism..."

I recently went to a private view one afternoon at a gallery, adjoining house and sculpture garden that was exclusively for nudists, apart from the staff who all remained clothed. We parked our cars and undressed immediately as we'd been told we...

Nudity on the radio.

The advantage for shy nudists in appearing on the radio is that you don't actually 'appear'...... More seriously, there was a discussion programme broadcast yesterday on Radio 4 in the UK about 'Nudity'. If anyone here is...