50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Group Rules for Perspective Members

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BLANK, PRIVATE OR MINIMALLY FILLED OUT PROFILES ... will NOT be allowed to join. Must have a profile picture. Those members that have not logged onto the site in over 90 days will be dropped and you can reapply for membership to the group.

Profile photos: 99% or more of the requests I get from people that have no profile photo have zero info in their profile. How are you suppose to be taken seriously as a member here or as a True Nudist is you're not willing to share information about who you are, where you are, what your interests are ... take the time to fill out your profile, post a picture of yourself and I'll gladly take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

ANY male members that post pictures of themselves with erections will not be allowed to join. I go through your profile and your gallery. If I see pictures that do NOT conform to TN photos policies, you will NOT be allowed to join. Torso only photos, selfie butt shots, photos from the ground up between your legs and headless photos will also be grounds for membership deletion and non acceptance into the group.

It takes very little time and effort to fill out a profile. If you don't have the time, patience and willingness to fill out your profile, I can't take the time to allow you to join groups I moderate.

Thanks for you understanding and cooperation.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Did you welcome them in or let them know they were too young?

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

I didn't let them in. Andy and I discussed what we wanted here before the group was set up, +50 was always our aim and until its decided otherwise I believe that is how it will stay. There was another + 50 group on TN but it was not being administered and if I recall correctly TN didn't respond to requests to hand it over to new administrators. So this group came into being.

It would be nice to notify people why we refuse membership to them, but there is only so much time in the day and the group home page clearly states the age requirement right at the beginning of the blurb, its in that position for a very good reason, but lots of people don't read it, a lot who have English as their first language too! I've sometimes contacted people who are +50 and seem like they might fit in here, but who don't have filled out profiles etc and I know that Andy does similar, some of them are here, after doing what we suggested.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

hello all. hej all, way +50. thanks for allowing me. ;)

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members




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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Bumping this thread again because surprise, surprise............I keep seeing private or more or less blank profiles applying for membership, or people who seem to think that being 36 is over 50, when their first language is supposedly English. At least the latter category gets given away without having to open their profile in another tab, we can see their age on their profile thumbnail when they apply for membership. Making a broad generalisation(maybe!), if the prospective members can't read the group requirements then they possibly won't read the discussion threads and join in either, trying to take the glass half full approach to wasting time!!!.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members


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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members


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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

Thanks Nick! I'm not sure many of these perspective members even read the rules for joining. They just go through the groups and click the join button.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

I'm sure that you're right Andy - You Are Nude Alligator Feed group, check, join; Nude Great White Shark Herding group, check, join; Nudist Unicorn group, check, join; Permanently Nude in the Artic group, check, join.

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RE:Group Rules for Perspective Members

That's me! I just looked at the information tab for the first time and now I've found this thread. :-) My usual modos operandi is to click into a group that looks interesting and join if it still looks interesting, whether that's the topics I can open or the tease of having to join first.Thanks Nick! I'm not sure many of these perspective members even read the rules for joining. They just go through the groups and click the join button.

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