50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Who remembers the daily nude challenge?

Ok-its alright if you forgot. Were all losing a few functional neurons in the old grey matter so forgetting is sometimes expected-ughhhhh. Andy had posted the at-least-once-a-day challenge a few months back and kept tabs on it for quite a while. I...

Body Parts

By all means this is not a woes me thing in the least. That said I have due to my career choice to have pressed myself in need of several body parts replacements required . Unfortunately NAPA does not stock those things. I know I am headed for the...

I think I can, I think I can ... or...

Yes, I know, not the most original title but it gets the point across; especially after you cross the 65 YO threshold. I had a auto repair project to do that wasn't complicated, only required a few tools and would probably save me at least $150...

Sandlot football from the 60s & 70s

I was just perusing the Chat room and watching conversations when someone mentioned their progeny playing Rugby and noting the game was easier now than in the 70s. That comment made me remember playing neighborhood tackle football during the 60s &...

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Those were the days said Archie & Edith

Probably not the best lead in but at least it sets the mood. Its five days until Christmas & its not been terribly holiday spirit wise here. Folks have been under the weather to say the least. A multi day hospital stay for the youngest XX of our...

Another follow up appointment . . ....

You guessed it, another @#%*! follow up appointment. I think the doc*s trying to fill out his appointment schedule! Its not really a big deal as my health is usually described as great but he was / is concerned about cholesterol levels and wants me...

Hi All

Just wanted to say hello and update things. I have a home in the r Phoenix residential suburb of Goodyear. I am a retired/disabled veteran now I am usually seen in a powered wheelchair. Yet, thanks to my nudist roommate we do a lot of nude drives,...

Calling Mature Single Ladies in the Phoenix...

Hi, I am a single male and a long time nudist living in the Phoenix area and am seeking the companionship of a nudist lady friend. If you live in the Valley of the Sun, or are just visiting, contact me and we can get to know each other. I'm open...

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Have a happy New Year

The new year will be here in a few hours; lets hope that were all safe & enjoying it. Nude would be very nice but obviously not practical for everyone. This past year has not been the best nor worst and couldve moved either way without a lot of...

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I saw it before my eyes still in shell shock

The title I spose is over the top. I happen to be very sensitive to Luann's hair. She has not has a haircut,trim styling since the rona thing 2 years ago. One thing ya have to understand about her if she she'd loses one hair she grows two...