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Thinning pubic hair

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Am I the only person over 50 who has noticed his pubic hair is thinning out?

What used to be a thick bush that needed occasional manscaping
now looks very thin.

I did undergo some serious cancer surgery a few months ago and noticed most
of my body hair either disappeared completely or thinned out a lot.
Since then, most of my body hair has grown back but not so much for the pubes.

Any comments or similar experiences?

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

Interesting topic. Back when I had pubic hair, I noticed as I aged the texture of my bush changed. My pubes as a young man were curly and tight. As I got older they become more like corn silk., soft and stringy. And then out came the razor....swish....swish....no more pubes. I have tried to grow my pubes out but i can never get past the itchy stage and just say FUCK IT. But you have made me curious. I wonder what my pubes would look like as a man in his 60's.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I am 67 and haven't noticed any change.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I'm normally smooth but occasionally let it grow. It's still same thickness as when I was younger.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I have noticed it thinning out and less curly. And I think the hair that is falling out of my scalp has taken root on my back!

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

You have made a good observation. Medical conditions and surgeries can cause the body hair to thin or change color or texture. Age & genetics also may lay a part. Then you have personal preferences and how we deal with them.
I used to have heavy legs hair but over the years, wearing levis or other heavy materials took a lot away and it did not grow back. But around age 30 I noticed a few white hairs on my chest and my pubes. By age 33 many of my pubes where white and my chest hair was turning while also. Bu age 35 all of my pubes were white and it made me look so much older. So I started trimming then shaving it all off. I discovered that I really did like the smooth feel. Then I also started shaving my chest hair which was almost all white.
Now I would not go back to having hair!! So a lot of it has to reflect your outlook, your self-image, your way of life. Each to his own preferences.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I normally shave my pubes along with the rest of my body hair. I did let it grow during lock down and got quite hairy. But it wasn't long enough to tell if my pubes are thinning. If they got too thick the duck tattoo on my pubic area would be struggling for air. BTW I shaved it all off last week, ready to meet some other nudists (for the first time in months).

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

Mine isn't thinning but it is getting dull and grey. I used to be a ginger. Now I color it to make me feel better.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

All my hair seems to be thinning, except for my nose and ear hair.

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I am 57 years old and my pubic hair is still black, curly and thick like when I was young

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RE:Thinning pubic hair

I'm 61 and my pubic hair used to be tight and curly and now matches the rest of my body hair, long and straight. Very long.(close to 4" in length. I now have to manscape to keep from looking like Bigfoot.

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