Napping naked

It's 10pm.. I have to pick up hubby in less than an hour. I get so tired this time of night.. I do take a catnap typically.. Tonight left PJs on.. Just didn't feel like taking off, then putting back on.. It feels so confining.. I luv sleeping naked.. When I toss and turn no clothing get in the way..

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RE: Napping naked

Years ago, we made it policy that whenever we're in bed, we're nude.

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RE: Napping naked

I haven't even owned pajamas since I was ten.

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RE: Napping naked

I haven't even owned pajamas since I was ten.always amazed that they sell so many. Certainly the manufacturers have not made any money out of me for half a century.why would any adult wear pjs.

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RE: Napping naked

I always sleep naked. Even my daily naps in the backyard.

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RE: Napping naked

My late wife always referred to the sheets and blankets as "bed clothes" so that is clothing enough for me.

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RE: Napping naked

Definitely far more comfortable and restful without clothes!
I've worn a night-shirt when I had room-mates... but nothing since then (about 20 years ago)

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RE: Napping naked

I could do underwear in a pinch (prefer not to).... PJ's never.. I never liked them as a kid with the leg fabric riding up, same with long sleeves.

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RE: Napping naked

Suzzi, I know just how you feel, I can't wear underwear, just shirts and sometimes socks. Since I broke my shoulder it hurts in the morning if I don't keep it warm. It would be great if I could afford to keep my home warm enough that it wouldn't matter.

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RE: Napping naked

I sleep naked at home but when I go away I take a pair of short pjs that I can pull on in a pinch if needed. Other wise I sleep naked then too.

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RE: Napping naked

I haven't even owned pajamas since I was ten.What are pajamas? ;-) Happy Naked Weekend to All! Here's to Napping Naked!

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