Hello, I am Bob

Brand new to nudism, it is a little scary for me, just because of my size. I am very well endowed, and even soft, very thick. While I am proud of my size, I fear I will draw to much attention in public situations, causing even more attention (I like to be seen). Any help from other members?

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RE: Hello, I am Bob

Welcome to TN. Generally we don't care about size large or small. Don't worry about it and enjoy your new free life!

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RE: Hello, I am Bob

Enjoy the lifestyle - it has much to offer and is better than being clothed. Good Luck.

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RE: Hello, I am Bob

Brand new to nudism, it is a little scary for me, justbecause of my size. I am very well endowed, and even soft, verythick. While I am proud of my size, I fear I will draw to muchattention in public situations, causing even more attention (I liketo be seen). Any help from other members?
I can't tell you what to do. Projecting myself into your
situation I'd say just relax with it. But I don't know if I
would for sure. I do empathize with your concern and since
reading this I've been thinking about it a lot. It got me to
join this group! I'm still working out my own thoughts and
feelings on it and its an interesting topic. It's funny how
some people are very at ease with nudity and others more cautious
and self conscious. I am more of a grower than a shower and even
though I am big and thick when erect, I sometimes shrink up when I
am hanging out nude. A friend of mine jokes that I have a
very deceptive dick. I get kind of uptight sometimes and the change
in size gives it away. Then other times I will be sitting
around and relaxed and when I get up and walk around I am quite
noticeably larger, and often larger and thicker than the other guys
in the room. Then I get self conscious about how big I look,
especially when I am around guys who are smaller. I've
watched myself react differently as I've developed more comfort
with my own nudity and as I've had more experiences with social
nudity. But what is funny to me is that I react the same way
internally, with a gut tightening whether I feel small or feel
large. I go to a sauna regularly and its all men and a few boys and
everyone pretty much stays naked throughout. Some of the men
are hung large, others hung small, actually the vast majority are
average or small, and I can see no one seems to either notice or
care. So I have to assume they don't care about me. But that doesn't make me feel more comfortable. I think negative
reactions toward large penises has more to do with envy and threat,
rather than any kind of criticism or distaste. I am a pretty good
observer of people and while men check each other out all the time
when you are in places where nudity is the norm, I think a kind of
male bonding takes over rather than competition or envy. And
yet, even though no one seems to notice, and even though I hang
naked with other naked men a lot, I sometimes I feel this twinge of
insecurity. So I have my own double standard.
Intellectually I can see there's no point in feeling self conscious
about something that is given naturally at birth. Yet I
sometimes find my subconscious feelings taking over. There are two
men who go regularly to this place and they always wear something
(except when showering) and I am assuming its because of their
large penises. They are big and everyone else is nude, so I
am guessing the reason they stay covered is because of some sense
of discretion they feel. There a couple
other guys at the same place who are just as big, but they go nude. I've
never heard anyone else comment on them. We all have what we
have and that's just the way it is. I can just say it does
not make me uncomfortable to see guys with big penises and from the way the other men
there behave and react, penis size one way or the other doesn't
matter to them either. It's about comfort and being at ease with your
body. You have a beautiful build and look wonderful
naked. Once you get more comfortable with it I think you'll
come to crave the freedom you feel from being nude with others.

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