Nightmare Scenario

This originally appeared on my nudism blog,
One disadvantage of nudism is that you are, literally and
figuratively, naked.
By the way, note that I said literally coupled with
figuratively.That's because I know the difference
between the two.
Anyway, I was over at Mira Vista the other night. I went over to
use the bathroom, which is in this outbuilding between the condos
and the main office. I got my business done and I grab the handle
on the door and realize that it isn't moving. It's like it's
Within seconds I realized that I could just yank the door open. No
biggie. But it made me think, what would I do if I was locked in
the bathroom there. I was naked, no pockets for my cellphone or any
other item that would come in handy. Not close enough to either
residents or the night manager so any noise I made would have gone
unheard. It was just chilly enough to be brisk for the brave
nudist, but for sleeping on a bathroom floor until the morning?
It turned out to be no biggie. But, I had a trouble like that years
ago, when I was but a young nudist in training.
Years ago, there was a spot called Arizona Oasis of the Sun near
Maricopa. It closed, I think, in 1999. I thought that the growth
spurt that made Maricopa from a farming town into a full blown
example of exurban excess would have swallowed up the old location,
but one day I checked it out and no one has built anything new
there.At the time, I was working an off-site project for my
employer up in Phoenix. This meant that most of my weeks were up
there. I could take off on a Friday and hang at Oasis, then spend
my weekend back home in Tucson.In retrospect, the place wasn't
much. Nice hiking on the grounds, but they had not much more than a
rec room and a pool. I don't recall a great deal of other people
being there on my visits.
My routine was parking, getting undressed and throwing my clothes
in the car. I would leave the car unlocked, of course.
By the way, what is with nudist places not having lockers? You'd
think it would be a natural thing, right?
Anyhow, I would leave the car unlocked. This time, however, I
somehow locked my keys in the car. So there I was naked in the
middle of nowhere. That usually sounds like fun for a nudist, but I
actually had someplace to be the next day.One of the other guests
decided he would "help" by suggesting I open the trunk, something
that I could only do if I had the keys. I explained that. Then he
looked at my car, a Hyundai, and said, "looks like one of them gook
jobs." The statement wasn't only racist, but contributed nothing to
moving to a solution.
By the way, count this anecdote as counterexample A when someone
tells me nudists are naturally more tolerant than others.
A neighbor to the resort happened by and said that he could take me
to a mechanic he knew in the morning and the guy could bring a slim
jim. I slept the night in a hammock. Luckily, it was a warm
In the morning, the neighbor came back and brought me some shorts
and a shirt and we drove out to the mechanic. Things were all
settled and I was able to get to my event.
So, yeah, sometimes naked isn't all its cracked up to be.

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RE: Nightmare Scenario

Incredible. Your misadventure sounds like a story out of a book or a dream. But you were not charged with indecent exposure and from what you have written no one seemed to mind the fact you were naked so all in all it actually sounds like (after the fact) a great adventure.

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