Managed some nude gardening today the first time this year.
Yesterday I was out most of the day so was unable to take part in the nude gardening day as in the evening it hat to be the front garden jobs so had to have some cloths on as I was too easy to see from the road.
Done it nude the first time this year on Sunday and it was a good feeling again and now do the front garden as well which is fairly well screened but if I am seen nude I am.
Also remember the WNGD this year is the 7th May and will have to be the evening as I will be out during the day.
It's my no. 1 favorite activity, growing good food, and doin it with nothing to interfere with earth contact is by far the best way to be attired (unattired rather) we can soak up energy from the earth better. I also enjoy riding horse naked, but I had to forego that for awhile. Gave away all my horses to concentrate on gardening. I also work in the woods naked, cuttin trees and firewood. Clearing land for more gardening. Making biochar with the excess firewood. We have 80 acres of mountainside to work over, and then 47 of a neighbors land behind I can also make use of, selling trees that are good to sell and clearing various usable spots to convert to food production. And doin it all naked, within reason of course. I don't feel like pushin it with friends and neighbors so I wear something within sight of anyone. It can be light though, just mesh gym shorts commonly. Just enough screen to look like I got something on.----ReubenT