Shaving in gang showers?

Its been a long time since using a gang shower, but is it common for people to shave their pubes in gang showers? I must have been like 25ish and I was in a gang shower, a guy about the same age came in right after me with bodywash, a razor, and shaving cream. He said hello and made small talk, while lathering up his pubes and shaving it all. It didnt bother me at all, but its the only time I had ever seen anyone do that in a gang shower.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

Over the years I have seen a few guys shave their faces in the shower, not together. Once I saw a guy shave his balls. I like shaving at the sink after I shower. I shave my balls at home..I sometimes see a guy floss his teeth in the gang shower. I don't like it.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

I did casual manscape shaving in the open but not gang shower at a Korean spa a couple months ago and felt comfortable with it, but then got stared down by someone in a creepy kind of way. Maybe I was sending out the wrong signal.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

I always shaved my cock and balls in the gang shower until our local YMCA went all gymnaphobic and put in shower stalls. I didn't mind guys watching me shave myself and a few liked it and showed a hard cock while I did it.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

It's the downtown Y. I'm still naked all the time in the locker room but all the showers now have stalls and doors so there's "privacy". I hate it! Body phobic, body shamed organization.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

I probably wouldn't manscape in a gang shower, but it wouldn't really bother me if someone else did.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

My gym has stall showers with no curtains and I shave my nuts all the time there. Some guys I may turn to the side but it's not a mystery what I'm It's common practice that many guys shave or trim these days.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

hey =)
here in germany it isnt allowed to shave the pubes... in the shower of my gym are signs ... shaveing and color the hairs isnt allowbut i think it is okay..
i havent a problem with that .. to see someone shaveing... but i dont want walk in hairs ].

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

I started shaving my cock and balls in the gang shower at the Korean Spa. It seams that I get a better shave after spending time in the steam room and sauna. Usually I am the only one in the gang shower when I shave but have had other guys show up which makes it a little exciting being seen shaving my cock and balls.
I agree. My gym went to individual showers now. But when it was all open. I shave my body legs arms... Sauna time really improves the shave. And not being alone isn't a bad thing iether.

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

The YMCA that I go to has shower stalls. The local gay bath house has a very open gang shower in the "wet area" that is fully visible from the hot tub. When I shave my pubes, including my balls in this open shower, I get a lot ofguys that watch the whole process and they are very intent on watching every movement as I purposely turn toward the hot tub to give them a show!Of course these gay & bi guys love watching me shave!

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RE: Shaving in gang showers?

I have seen men both at my current gym and the previous one shaving their pubs in the gang shower, it is though unusal. One young man would do his manscaping (his chest and pits) at the sink, but he kept his underwear on and simply pull down the front to tidy things up.

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