RE: How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

We did almost 8 weeks in quarantine

You never wore any type of clothing AT ALL during the entire 8 weeks? Were you getting groceries and stuff delivered or were you stocked up enough to last that long?

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

Still stands at 9 days for now. Maybe this summer I will get a chance to extend that.

Were you able to extend your longest time nude, since it was your first summer in retirement?

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RE: How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

We did almost 8 weeks in quarantineYou never wore any type of clothing AT ALL during the entire 8 weeks? Were you getting groceries and stuff delivered or were you stocked up enough to last that long?

I have seen several people here and elswhere post that they went 8 weeks or longer during quarantine. Most of them got food delivered.
One person on another board posted that he went 9 weeks and his high school age son went almost 6 months from when school closed in March of 2019 until it opened remotely in September. The son then wore a tank top and nothing else for the first few days of school, then decided to try it without a shirt and see what Z. No one objected, so he then did his Zoom school nude until Christmas, so he went nude for 9 months except for a few hours of wearing just a tank top.

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

Were you able to extend your longest time nude, since it was your first summer in retirement?

No, because I would ride at least one of my motorcycles at least once a week if not more. I have 3 to choose from.

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

(quote]Were you able to extend your longest time nude, since it was your first summer in retirement?No, because I would ride at least one of my motorcycles at least once a week if not more. I have 3 to choose from.

While not the topic for this thread, were you nude more in general than when you were working?

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively


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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

About how many hours a week did you wear anything?

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

I never thought or tried to keep track, but probably about 50% of the time.

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

I never thought or tried to keep track, but probably about 50% of the time.

Since you are dressed less often have you gotten rid of any clothing?
Since I retired, I got rid of all of my suits, undershirts and underwear, most of my dress shirts and ties, and al least half of my business casual clothing. I got a privacy fence around my pool, so I also got rid of most of my swimwear. I now have less than half as much clothing as I did when I was working. I emptied out half the drawers I had clothing in, and still managed to find room for my out of season clothes, which I used to keep in a storage chest. More recenty, when covid struck, I stopped going to the gym, bought some basic exercise equipment, started working out nude in the basement, and got rid of half of my gym shorts and sleeveless shirs. If I lived in a warmer location like you do or our grandson didn't spend so much time here in the summer, I could get by with a little less yet. My closet is barely half full, even after moving my lighter weight outerwear there from the hall closet.
I always find getting rid of clothing a liberating experience!

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RE:How Long Have You Been Nude Consecutively

I never thought or tried to keep track, but probably about 50% of the time.

Total time or awake time?

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