Nudists in the news...
Old jest: some people are so narrow-minded that they can peek through a keyhole with both eyes. People who can, write books. People who can't, write snarky book reviews.
People who can (well), write books and non-snarky book review.
Re the review of the book a Brief History Of Nakednessreferred to (with link) by FreedomRider in post #8:
I take exception to thisreview on a number of levels the most important to me being Ageism and Religion.
The reviewer, Peter Conrad, is obviously repelled by nudity in any form but mainly by mature people. Perhaps nubile young maidenswouldbe acceptable to him? Though he admits that the author's jacket picture shows him only from the neck up he speculates that he would have ***adipose middle-aged bellyflab, jiggling genitals, a bum that has doubtless gone south*** andamongother of his turn-offs ***.the elderly female editorofNaturist Lifeharanguing Trafalgar Square from thefourth plinth***. Now I admit that my 72 year old out of shape body is unlikely to have hordes ofadmirersrushing towards me but neither will it cause other nudists to rush screaming in horror away from me. Do I wish I had the body I had in my prime? Well, to be honest ... yes ... but age comes to us all and I can accept my body the way it is and its the only one I have so if Peter Conrad doesn't like it hedoesn'thave to look but if he is smart he won't say anything to my face. I have theimpressionthat if Peter ever sees himself naked (he will never be nude) in the mirror he will be mortified by the sight.
Now to religion: I am Pagan, not Wiccan but conversant with many Wiccanpracticesand practitioners. Many forms of Paganism are considered to constitute a valid religion with valid theologies andcosmologies,recognizedas such by governments in many places and protected by the samelawsas any other religion. Many Pagans and indeed many Wiccans dopracticeskyclad (nude) but many (probably the majority) do not. His references to orgiastic Pagan deities is uninformed and in fact libelous. His references to Carr-Gomm ***dancing naked with a coven of witches*** is possibly true but the intimation of scandalousbehaviorwhen read in context is insulting. Also, *** he seems to takeseriously the fertility rites performed by adherents of Wicca*** challenges the beliefs of many, not only Wiccans but other Pagans and other religions. Has he never participated in the Harvest Festivals ofsomeChristian churches?
The comments to this article and other reviews of the book are in the main supportive of the author and even when written tongue in cheek do not denigrate the book or its premises. Had this article and others spawned from it such as the New Yorker interview not been published I would probablyneverhad heard of the book nor would I have wanted to buy it. Now it is a definite must and I am sure that sales will increaseproportionately.
This one is hot off the press; it is happening now! Only trouble is, I can't get there in time!
This one is hot off the press; it is happening now! Only trouble is, I can't get there in time!
Any chance Lady Godiva's first name is Rudy?
Any chance Lady Godiva's first name is Rudy?
Group member Fiona Starbuck said: "Styled to appear naked...
Our Rudy would tell them, "It's like this, guys. Either I ride totally nude or you find yourself another Godiva. Capisce?"
LOL, yes...I just read the article and saw that. Lady Godiva's first name is definitely NOT Rudie!
Here is the newest Nude news.....from down under!
Wish I could have joined in on this!
What a wonderful idea to spread awareness of how much damage the big corporations have done to our oceans!