Kik Chat Group - CouchSurfing Nudists

Guys -

We have a lively group of naked CouchSurfers on Kik where we chat about about past and upcoming CouchSurfers, exchange ideas about hosting like how to help those inexperienced with nudism get comfortable stripping down in our homes, find places to travel where others have had good nudist Couchsurfing experiences, exchange naked photos/videos of ourselves and sometimes just chat about anything that comes up among a group of like-minded, healthy, virile men. We're a very international group...Australia, USA, Italy, France, Israel, Spain, Mexico and more.

Want to join? Download Kik if you don't already have it. It's a great chat app - doesn't require that you share phone number or anything. Send me your Kik name and CouchSurfing name/profile. Can message me here or on Kik at nycjackbud. Once you're in the group, we'll ask that you share some info and a nude photo as an introduction. Current guys in the group will reciprocate.

Look forward to hearing from you guys.

And if you wanna surf naked in Dallas, couch is available. ;-)

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RE: Kik Chat Group - CouchSurfing Nudists

kik: luismartinjr

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