RE: Working Nude.


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RE: Working Nude.


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RE: Working Nude.

This is so cool. I hope they continue to be nude and become nudists. I'm confused about the "flagged" thing. Why would you flag this post?

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RE: Working Nude.

I worked as a nude model for several college art student classes. Didn't pay much, but met some very friendly college girls.Tom ASS , You just confirmed what we all thought and suspected about Old Creepy Trolls , just like you .YOU , working as a Nude Model ? LOLThey wouldn't let someone like yourself , model even Paper Bags , even if they could ever find one Big enough to fit .We would think , that a very very very short lived career in you modelling Plastic Bags , would be more appropriate , for some KNOW IT ALL , like yourself .YOU as a Nude Model ?LOL , Ya Right !!!! LOLI suppose that Old Creeps like you , have to get their Cheap Thrills some where , besides just Trolling on sites like this one .You as a NUDE Model?LOL.thats a good one !

HotHarleyCouple - Undies Only | More Info
In 1966, the year you were born the average man's life span was 66.7 years.
So middle age was 33 years.
You are 50 years OLD.
You were middle aged 17 years ago.

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RE: Working Nude.

I worked 24 hr. shifts ... sometimes longer. I was theCaptain of a Battalion/Division HQ fire station. It was a very large2 story building with the business end ofthe station downstairs and the personal/private end upstairs.When not out on emergency responses, I had tons of administrative work to be done. Luckily, I had my own dorm and more than enough space to set up an upstairs office where I could bring up the bare essentials and could do about 80% of what I needed to do upstairs during the evening hours, usually after 9pm.
It was no secret at my station, our battalion and the division, that I was a nudist. In fact, don't know too many stations where I worked overtime where the guys didn't know me personally or know of me and my preference for being nude whenever possible ... usually in the locker room, head/showers and evenings in the dorm.
Because I had this upstairs office, I did work nude many, many nights. On occasion, I'd need to go downstairs for something and depending on the time of night, I may or may not slip on a pair of shorts. I would say that more times than not ... I didn't slip on shorts and ventured downstairs nude. Crossed paths with my boss more than several times and he got so used to it that he didn't even blink an eye after the first few times. He just said ... "I hope you're prepared to answer the front door if the door bell rings." I reached down and opened my file cabinet drawer to show him a pair of shorts and he just nodded and said, "cool."
If I worked overtime at another station, I'd scope out the layout and see what I was able to do. Sometimes I was just able to sleep nude sometimes. Other times, I could do almost the same as I did at my own station. The upside was that just about everyone I worked with knew of my nudist life and figured I be naked some time during the shift ... and they were right.

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RE: Working Nude.

if you work as a topless dancer or nude dancer does it count as working in the nudeIt does in my book, I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't count that!

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RE: Working Nude.

As a lifeguard in high school and college, I had the fortune ofbeing not only allowed but required to work as close to nude as isgenerally acceptable in our textile world. After closing, we had torun a vacuum along the bottom of the pool. Any toys, clothing,garbage, or other things on the bottom of the pool would get stuckin the vacuum, so if we saw anything we had to get in and get itbefore we could run the vacuum. I did not like to get my swimtrunks wet right at the end of the night and have to either hangthem up in the locker that way or take them home to wash and drythem. So I would take them off before I got in to get stuff off thebottom of the pool, and finish the rest of the closing routinenude.One night I was taking too long and a building manager cameto check on me. She commented so I explained, and she must not haveminded because nobody ever told me to stop doing it that way. Plus,after that whenever I was closing with that manager she would comedown and help me stack chairs and wash the pool deck.
50 or so years ago, many lifeguards in male only venues worked nude all the time,

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RE: Working Nude.

When I was a maintenance director for our community college, I often had to trouble shoot and reset the heating/dehumidification system for our pool. A couple of times during off hours while waiting to see if my efforts corrected the problem, I killed the time with a swim. Did it nude.

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