RE: Intentionally Caught

I guess that I have done this more times than I realized (I've posted other stories elsewhere). I remember once many years ago being at the far end of the Indiana Dunes Natl Lakeshore. I would often go there to skinnydip and sunbathe nude, even though it wasn't really legal. It was not unheard of at that time, but usually done very discreetly. One weekday afternoon I had full sun, calm water, nobody in sight. Definitely one of those it-doesn't-get-better-than-this moments. So I decided to go for a run, nude but carrying my swimsuit. I love nude jogging, it feels so free. So I jogged along the shore a stretch, and turned around well before I got to the populated area. On the trip back to my spot, I noticed a single man strolling ahead of me, going the same direction. He was wearing a swimsuit and I imagine he was daydreaming on the beauty of the setting just as I was. After giving it some brief consideration (the fact that it was not unknown that people went naked there), I just decided to stay naked as I passed him sand-side, as he padded along the water line. About 50 yards ahead I suddenly realized that I had put myself in sort of a touchy situation, so I ran into the water, splashed around and swam (the key parts being underwater). He actually just waved and smiled when he eventually passed by. I slipped into my suit for the rest of the trip. Great bit of luck. Nothing like a naked beach jog and a fellow who smiles and waves, obviously not bothered.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

I was dared one time to get naked in a cab ride. I had to take a change of clothing to prove that it was so and when I got out of the cab they'd see that I did indeed get naked. The cab driver loved it as he was a nudist himself so I sat in the backseat of his cab mostly through the whole 20 minute ride. Very cool!

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RE: Intentionally Caught

This time it isn't in person. My son's works are having their Christmas party tonight. They are doing a variation of pin the tail on the donkey which requires a full frontal nude (I'll leave you to guess what is being pinned where). They have a half life size photo of myself for the game.

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RE: Intentionally Caught

This time it isn't in person. My son's works are having their Christmas party tonight. They are doing a variation of pin the tail on the donkey which requires a full frontal nude (I'll leave you to guess what is being pinned where). They have a half life size photo of myself for the game.

feedback is that it worked. They all knew who the naked man was and many took photos.

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RE:Intentionally Caught

I've done this many times! Several times for repairmen or deliverymen. One of my greatest times was when I lived in I guess you would call it row apartments. They were two story, and the main floor apartment shared a common hallway with the upstairs one. IE - I was in 109, and my upstairs neighbor was in 209. He got home from work around midnight every night. I was a consummate nudist, especially at home. I most often used my back door, because there was a small parking lot back there. My front door was fairly jangly, for lack of better term. It wouldn't stay latched unless it was locked. Unlocked, it would slowly swing wide open, and look into the shared hallway and the security door to the building. One night I just decided I wanted to "out" myself as a nudist. I was 23, and quite a bit gutsier at the time! He was a middle aged Japanese man.

I left my front door open and as he got home, I strolled out from the hallway, into my living room, nude. He saw me immediately, and just smiled. I didn't apologize, act ashamed, or cover up. I simply smiled and struck up a very brief, very friendly conversation. Just about the weather and whatnot. From then on, I simply left my apartment's front door open when I was at home. He saw me many, many times. I would just go about my business, watching TV or being on the computer, in the nude. He never joined in, nor did he ask me why I was nude. He just seemed to silently accept it. He did get to the point where he would have longer conversations with me, though they never lasted beyond five minutes or so. It just felt pretty great to go for it and have it turn out relatively nicely!

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RE:Intentionally Caught

Well, not really intentionally but I was trying to avoid it. New Year's Eve me my wife and her best friend were going to go stay in Orlando. We got a suite but it wasn't more than a sitting area outside of the separated bedroom. The bathroom was in the bedroom and the only way to have access through it was through the bedroom. I was going to shower, my wife was going to the lobby and Cheryl was getting ready. I forgot my shampoo and soap and walked into the bedroom to get my stuff from the luggage. I opened the door and there was Cheryl. In the past she always grabbed a peak and turned away quickly. Not this time. She looked and didn't stop and talked to me as I got my things. It was strange but kind of a turn on and usually things like that don't affect me. Both girls were clinging on me all night, but in the end we all went to sleep as we were exhausted. BUT our room was ground floor and the parking lot right there. Apparently housekeeping opened our shades on our windows and when I noticed and got up to close them there was a large group coming in from the festivities and they saw me. I actually scrambled around trying to find the way to shut the curtains. It was fun, but so out of character for me to be so nervous about people seeing me nude.

BTW going to Appollo Beach Tuesday with my wife and maybe her friend Cheryl who is "new year new me " mode right now

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RE:Intentionally Caught

Well, not really intentionally but I was trying to avoid it. New Year's Eve me my wife and her best friend were going to go stay in Orlando. We got a suite but it wasn't more than a sitting area outside of the separated bedroom. The bathroom was in the bedroom and the only way to have access through it was through the bedroom. I was going to shower, my wife was going to the lobby and Cheryl was getting ready. I forgot my shampoo and soap and walked into the bedroom to get my stuff from the luggage. I opened the door and there was Cheryl. In the past she always grabbed a peak and turned away quickly. Not this time. She looked and didn't stop and talked to me as I got my things. It was strange but kind of a turn on and usually things like that don't affect me. Both girls were clinging on me all night, but in the end we all went to sleep as we were exhausted. BUT our room was ground floor and the parking lot right there. Apparently housekeeping opened our shades on our windows and when I noticed and got up to close them there was a large group coming in from the festivities and they saw me. I actually scrambled around trying to find the way to shut the curtains. It was fun, but so out of character for me to be so nervous about people seeing me nude.

BTW going to Appollo Beach Tuesday with my wife and maybe her friend Cheryl who is "new year new me " mode right now

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RE:Intentionally Caught

My wife and I are usually nude when we're home or very close it. I'm usually completely nude and she is sometimes nude, sometimes in panties. We both usually sleep completely nude. We occasionally have friends over (usually my wife's best friend and her fiancee) and always wear clothes when they're here, though they know of our nudist tendencies when home alone.

A few weeks ago my wife and her friend had had a long day of shopping together and when they made it back, the friend crashed at our house on our couch. Our house is a 3 bed 1 bath, so we have to walk through the living room to get to the bathroom... I guess you can see where this is going. I awoke in the middle of the night needing to go in the worst way. I got up and started into the other room, stopped momentarily when I remembered that this woman was asleep on our couch, but thought to myself, "You know what? I don't care. Its my house and its dark and she's probably asleep. Besides, it'd be kinda hot if she 'accidentally' caught me naked." So I wandered in to the bathroom to pee at 2AM with a her sleeping on my couch. It was kinda dark, but being in the city there's just enough light to see around you. She looked to be asleep and facing away from me on my trip to the bathroom and the trip back, so I guess I didn't really get caught, but I could easily have, and I tried.

Started to make another trip a few hours later but the wife woke up and 'reminded me' that our friend was out there and made me put some clothes on. She was awake that time and I would have been 'caught'.

I told my wife about running out to the bathroom earlier in the nude, saying I forgot she was there and it was too dark to notice her asleep on the couch, so of course she asked the friend if she had seen me, and she says she didn't. I don't think she'd admit it if she had, but either way maybe another opportunity will come some other time.

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RE:Intentionally Caught

I wore my kilt to the New Year's Eve party in our local pub. I went to talk to the lady who I thought most likely to lift it to show my naked bum. She obliged without me asking. And she ensured most of them got a good view.

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RE:Intentionally Caught

Thinking about this one. There is a polar plunge set for Flagler Beach, but it is a costumed one. I so cannot stand wet bathing suits (or wet clothes) so how about Adam and Eve costume?

Anyone in north east Florida want to be on a team

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