Just don't get it!

Can someone enlighten me on something? I belong to several non-nudist forums and I never have a problem making friends. I am new to this lifestyle and I am loving every minute of it. So I decided to join this site. I have searched profiles and found so many people (male and female) with similar interests as me. Some I have sent a request first, some a message first and some both at same time. I have done this over the last few days. All those messages and requests I sent and only two have accepted and responded. I see that these people have logged in after i sent them. The other friends on my list sent me requests and I think it was just to boost their numbers. I'm looking for friends to talk to and get advice since I'm new but nobody wants to accept my request or message. What am I doing wrong? Is there something in my profile? Just getting frustrated and looking for answers. Thanks for your time.

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RE: Just don't get it!

I wouldn't worry about it much. I haven't been here long either and there's quite a bit I haven't figured out. I'm not even sure what the point of the "Friends" thing is. I mean, everybody likes real life friends. But a "Friend' here is... well... I'm not sure what it does for you or them that can't be done by having Chat buddies or Groupies that you communicate with. I mean, you can read most profiles even if they're not on your "Friends" list. And you can banter or have a serious discussion on the Forum or in a Group. And you can private Message anyone whether they're on your "Friend" list or not. Soooooo... well, I just don't see the importance of having 50 pages of "Friends" that you don't really know, or have a common interest, and with no chance of ever meeting in person. Doesn't mean I can't be "Friendly" with practically anybody at anytime, whether they're on my Friends list or not. So, I dunno. But I'll watch this thread in case somebody enlightens me.

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RE: Just don't get it!

Your profile indicates that you don't seem interested in meeting others but merely exchanging views and getting a sense of what naturism is all about. I'm like that and don't do friends just respond to posts every so often. Naturists tend to be more cautious about friending online.

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RE: Just don't get it!

You can't force people co click on an accept button, there are many reasons for not accepting friends requests.
Some members here have so many friends it's a wonder they can keep track.
I've had a quick check of your profile, your sexuality is set to straight/bi-curious, maybe that puts a lot of people off, especially as you are in a complicated relationship. It suggests to some that you are seeking sexual adventures, and this is the wrong site for that.

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RE: Just don't get it!

Mike, I'm not that much of a chat room person. I'd prefer exchanging messages, but it has nothing to do with you. Believe me. I'll start a dialogue and then hear nothing for weeks. Then a drive by and a quick flurry of messages, then nothing. I believe it has something to do with the anonymity most foster. There are a few friends with whom I regularly message and converse. The rest are sometimers. A number of people have dropped off of the site,but I'm too lazy to cull them.
Keep talking and sending messages. Some will stick.

BTW, welcome to the site and lifestyle.

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RE: Just don't get it!

I am in the same boat as to a wife that does not want to participate. I have joined a local resort and have really been able to unwind. I am also a newbie (about one and a half years) Friend request me if you like, would be fun to compare experiences!

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RE: Just don't get it!

TrueNudists have some kind of nude photos on their profile. A lot of people are suspicious of profiles that don't...

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RE: Just don't get it!

The best place to start is getting your profile certified. There are many people here who just want to collect friends and are not genuine.
Your profile doesn't have much to say about yourself and you don't really have any photos. Honestly, I reject people with profiles like yours daily. Not out of spite or anything, but out of caution and frustration from so many friend requests like that.

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