winter in uk

How to cope with winter in uk
I am new to enjoying being nude and only started enjoying the freedom of it this summer
What I like is the sun on the skin also really enjoy wild swimming pear beach is great
Also enjoyed a stroll in the woods so when I get some free time and the sun's out I try to indulge in this
But with winter coming it seems a long way of till summer again so I would like to know how others cope
Masny thanks

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RE: winter in uk

Turn up the heating and we always have winter sun holidays, it sees us though the dark nights.

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RE: winter in uk

How to cope with winter in uk I am new to enjoying being nude and only started enjoying the freedom of it this summer What I like is the sun on the skin also really enjoy wild swimming pear beach is greatAlso enjoyed a stroll in the woods so when I get some free time and the sun's out I try to indulge in thisBut with winter coming it seems a long way of till summer again so I would like to know how others copeMasny thanks
We have the same issue here in the states like where we are at. We call this past summer the "Sunless Summer" as we had a full month of rain, very few days it wasn't overcast. Or we call it "the summer that never was." This thing called the Polar Vortex has dropped the temps 10-12 degrees below normal for over a year.
Here are the steps we do to help survive this...
1. We begin to whine about it and do a lot of wishing warm weather would get back here. Doesn't help but it naturally happens.
2. Turn up the indoor heat
3. Have home nude parties with friends
4. vacation to where it is naked warm weather

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RE: winter in uk

We do what has been suggested above. A well timed winter break for a week or two of nude sunning can make a huge difference. We're lucky in that we have local nude beaches, we've made local nudist friends there so we have a small group of local friends who we socialise with nude over the cooler months. Some other friends from the beach aren't into this, their nude socialising tends to be just outside in warm weather. We think of ourselves as all seasons social nudists, while we love being naked outside on warm days, we're primarily nudists because we like being clothes free whenever possible, additionally we enjoy socialising and being with like-minded people, so the winter nude get togethers tick those boxes too. It did take some years to build up this network of local nudists so unless you're very lucky don't expect there to be a nudist winter social scene waiting for you.

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RE: winter in uk

Turn up the heating and hibernateuntil spring.

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