My chest, belly and pubes

used to show up nice and dark. Now, sometimes when I am on cam, I will be accused of (god forbid) shaving my pubes, and having that "smooth" look! Let us know how the coloring goes, and will it work on the pubes also!

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

I love my chest hair evenn now that it is white!

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

oh man, the pubes are where I went grey first. Didn't think about beard coloring to bring it back. Problem is that mine are/were reddish blond and they don't sell that (that I've found, anyway). Brown would look funny on me.

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

oh man, the pubes are where I went grey first. Didn't think about beard coloring to bring it back. Problem is that mine are/were reddish blond and they don't sell that (that I've found, anyway). Brown would look funny on me.

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

My chest hair and beard have gone gray and I plan to just leave it that way. My head hair and pubes have remained nice and dark. I have been accused of having a tupay since my beard hair is very coarse and gray while my head hair is dark and soft and all there. My take would be to just live with gray pubes and chest hair. We want to stay natural here.

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

My chest hair and beard have gone gray and I plan to just leave it that way. My head hair and pubes have remained nice and dark. I have been accused of having a tupay since my beard hair is very coarse and gray while my head hair is dark and soft and all there. My take would be to just live with gray pubes and chest hair. We want to stay natural here.Maybe YOU want to stay natural and gray, but I'll keep coloring my chest hair for awhile thank you very much. When I don't, my photos make me look like a smooth guy, and I don't like that. I like being hairy, and I want it to show up.

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

oh man, the pubes are where I went grey first. Didn't think about beard coloring to bring it back. Problem is that mine are/were reddish blond and they don't sell that (that I've found, anyway). Brown would look funny on me.Gee, I'm surprised they don't make that beard stuff in a reddish color, red beards are such a turn-on, red pubes even more of a turn-on! Keep looking:-)
Well if it came in red! ;)

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

I love my chest hair evenn now that it is white!awesome chest hair

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

Thanks guys! Right now it's all shaved off while I do the Cardio rehab. It is very strange not having all that white fur sticking out of the top of my shirt! Once they stop hooking me up to the EKG three times a week I'll let it grow again.

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

I love my chest hair evenn now that it is white!And now this!

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RE: My chest, belly and pubes

I love my chest hair evenn now that it is white!And now this!

Hey, this group is for guys with body hair. . .
Did you see my back? It's hair is peeking over my shoulders! ;)

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