New Gardens
I finally got all of my warm weather plants in this week. Fortunately, I have a young lady who is spending a few weeks with me as a gardening intern. She is the first one I've had that I would consider a true nudist and it has been wonderful to garden with her naked.
The asparagus season is just about over, but we are now eating spinach, lettuce, kale and radishes from the garden. The tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse will probably be ready to pick in about a week.
It's so nice to finally have summer here!
Recently completed the restoration of my late wife's rose garden and the construction of a new retaining wall and the installation of the swimming pool. The roses took the 5 month bare rooting quite well. Now waiting patiently to see the new spring growth. I have planted more perfumed roses to add to the enjoyment of the garden.
I am doing raised bed gardens and have also done some cucumbers and zuccini vertical. As of today i have brought in some tomatoes cherry tomatoes, okra , jalapenos, squash and zuccini. just started seeing some mellons appearing as well but have a long way to go.
Does anyone have their garden coming up yet? If so, what is being grown and have you done anything unique to get your garden growing?
My wife's garden has some veges coming up, but the extreme amount and strength of the rain we've had here has killed a lot of the stuff. At least I finally got a handle on the yard and trees with some help. It's hard for me to do any gardening, because I'm so tied up with the rest of this large property and because of my disabilities. I would love to garden or even farm in the nude some, but it's really hard for me to do all of the bending, squatting, lifting, ect.