Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

I live in Illinois, and the only nudist camp ground I know of in the state is Blue Lake Resort up near Chicago. That is nowhere near me, and it's fairly pricey.
What is the likely outcome of going nude at a non-nudist campground? I'm expecting the worst. I've hiked once on a public trail, but it was in the rain at dusk, so only one couple saw me. Everybody else was gone. I really want to find a place to be naked in nature (which for me is the primary appeal of this lifestyle), but I know of nowhere to go.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

What is the likely outcome of going nude at a non-nudist campground?Not good.
You need to ask yourself "what is my goal?"
If you are wanting to be at a campground nude, then take the time to drive to the nude campground.
If your goal is to camp nude and enjoy some nude hikes, get a friend to go with you (for safety) and then expend the effort and hike into the wilderness, past the trails enjoyed by day hikers. Many trails have camping spots along them that you have to reserve through the forest service. Reserve a spot that has its own "mini-trail" leading off the main trail to it. Sort of like a private driveway. That lets you be nude at your campsite without hikers being able to see you there.
If you spend a few days out there, you can camp one night, then pack up and hike in deeper so you will only run into serious hikers (cutting out the day hikers) and you might find some isolated trails where you can hike nude.
Canyons are good places to hike if they are difficult to get into. Less people should be in there. Also, no cell signal means they cannot report you immediately.
Down sides, no cell signal, so you can't call for help if you need it. Also prone to flash floods, so make sure the projected weather is dry. Make sure you are able to camp for a few days at a time without needing to come back to civilization. You need to be an experienced camper.
There's my advice. Don't go to a textile campground and get nude. I think that's a bad idea. We will also get to read about it, because you will likely be arrested and make the evening news.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

I've walked around naked and seen others naked at non-nudists campground here in Ohio, Depends how lenient the campground is. Try going nude sometime just around your tent site, to try out the waters persay.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

I agree... follow the rules of the campground. If you can't do that, then don't go. Don't be labeled as a freak and giving the rest of us a bad name by trying to be nude at a clothed place.
EVERYTHING has a place and a time. Don't bring bad light on yourself and on nudism!!

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

Just want to add more weight to what has already been said. Going nude in a non nude place especially a campground where you are likely to encounter non nude persons as well as children WILL get you arrested. You will have to register as a sex offender the rest of your life. You may have to move from your home if it is judged to be too close to a school, playground or place where children congregate. You will also make life harder on those who are trying to be nude within the law, One bad apple and all that. Please either drive to the nude campground you mentioned, find another one cheaper or closer, or make friends with someone with private land who will let you go camping nude there. The National Park is not a good idea either in my opinion, Park rangers can turn up at weird times.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

I've never seen anyone nude at a non-nudist campground. The most I've done is gone naked from my tent for a middle of the night or early more piss, and then went back to sleep.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

Here in the UK naturist campsites don't like to allow single males into their campsites, so if I want to go camping I have to go to a textile camp. When I am there I put up wind breaks at the front of the tent and stay nude behind it, unless people come upto your tent it's unlikely to be seen nude. Failing that, ask the camp owners if there is a secluded part you can be away from others where you can be nude from time to time.

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RE: Nudism at non-nudist camp grounds?

Two words: National Forests
Two more words: State Forests
I do all my camping in places you CAN'T drive to. I either backpack in, or canoe or motorboat in. National Forests generally have remote spots where you can drive to and either hike a short distance from your car, or set up by your car well off any main road. Most National Parks' only restriction to primitive camping is that your fire must be 300 feet from a road. Avoid the designated Recreation Areas with developed campgrounds because they are pretty much the same as commercial campgrounds except that the showers often have no hot water. The Recreation Areas are patrolled. Because of the easy driving access, they are almost always occupied. If you are naked there, someone is likely to call the police or rangers on you.
The primitive areas on the other hand, are not patrolled much, and in my experience, if a Ranger meets you in a remote site, they are not likely to hassle you about being naked.
Some State Forests are more restrictive than the National Forests, but generally they are similar.
Don't confuse National/State Forests with National/State Parks!
The parks are almost always more restrictive, and generally more populated with campers. More often that not, you are required to use the established (and therefore crowded) camping areas. In Florida, simply being naked without lewd behaviour is not against the law. However, the Disorderly Conduct rules in Florida are incredibly vague, and several of the Florida State Parks have issued Disorderly Conduct violations to people for simply being naked.

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