RE: Challenge

Right now the wind is blowing and although it's snowing, it hasn't covered the ice from our last storm. Here's a pic I took earlier this week out in the snow. I expect I'll wake up to some nice fluffy snow that I can make an angel in.Great idea to get people involved.UPDATE - Here is a new pic. You may notice my arms aren't even in the snow and there isn't much of an angel. We had a nice freezing rain so although my body broke through the snow, my arms just lay on top of the ice. I'm basically laying in 12 inches of snow with a nice layer of ice on top. Of course now it's snowing again.

Our apologies, Beachlover! We sent you a message regarding your arms not being in the snow and then looked at the picture closer and saw the ice "shards" encircling your body. Ouch! And then read your post. Our hats are off to you! Our shirts are off to you! Our pants are off to you! Our undies are off to you! Our socks and shoes are off to you! We've had a lot of fun with this challenge. Thanks to all for participating, whether in body or spirit!

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RE: Challenge

Well, this may sound crazy, but I'm kinda envious. It's been cold enough here to snow, but it hasn't. If you look at the weather here today, we may reach a balmy 40!

So even though I have to suffer the cold, we won't get the snow to play in. I guess I could take a picture of me out on the deck, but not in the grass, there are lots of stickers in the grass, not to mention fire ants.


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RE: Challenge

Well, this may sound crazy, but I'm kinda envious. It's been cold enough here to snow, but it hasn't. If you look at the weather here today, we may reach a balmy 40!So even though I have to suffer the cold, we won't get the snow to play in. I guess I could take a picture of me out on the deck, but not in the grass, there are lots of stickers in the grass, not to mention fire ants.*sniff**sigh*Jerry
Jerry, lying in the ice cold snow felt like we were on shards of stickers and were being bitten by fire ants, especially at the ankles, so, why not? go for it...

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SNOW = ECH= *')

PLEASE , PLEASE PLEASE , keep the snow (cold) up there, thats why I live down here in the sunny south. I'll make you a beach angle BUT NO snow angle. Have A Merry (white) Christmas.

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RE: Challenge

What are stickers? ......whatever they are, it sounds like you can keep them on your side of the pond!

Here's one for your kids, Why was six so upset? ........cos seven ate nine!

Wishing you all a Happy Nude Christmas and a Happy Nude Year!

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RE: Challenge

You guys really are nutz. I've had to work out in this stuff for the last 4 days and I'm in pain with full winter dress. Can't even imagine laying in the stuff in the buff LOL More power to you.

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This weekend's challenge...

You are all

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RE: Winter sports

OK not exactly an angel but that takes the prize for diving into the challenge
Yep, well done Honehe, that's the funniest and the bravest so far! :)

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RE: Winter sports

Angels, snorkeling? Where does it all end. Where are our southern folks now! You've up the bar, and btw, those of you around vegas had/have your opportunity...or did you miss it? 10 Extra Credit points for tackling this one head on! Bravo!

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RE: Winter sports

Opps I can't tell a lye it isn't me but couldn't pass up the pic.
There is a distinct possibility that alcohol may have been involved!! LOL LOL

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