Visiting from London

I often visit Kolkata - are there respectful meetings where women can participate?

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RE: Visiting from London

Hi Amit
Thanks for making contact and for the offer. Could you tell me what the nudist scene is like in Kolkata - are there mixed groups of men and women who already hang out?

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RE: Visiting from London

You should contact are a couple from Kolkatta and currently holding a meet hence might not reply immediately.

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RE: Visiting from London

That's great, thank you so much!

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RE: Visiting from London

You should contact Sonachand. He is kind of the unofficial leader of us nudists in Kolkata. You can also contact Suhrit, he is a senior nudist from here. We do have meets but mostly indoors in someone's house or the other. However, its mostly men, women participation is very few and far between and whenever women have participated, its been as part of a couple.A word of advice, if you are looking fora meet, don't meet uncertified or unvouched (by many other nudists) people no matter what they say.

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RE: Visiting from London

Hi, welcome to india. Yes most of the nudist meetings in kolkata have only male participants. Females do not come out of closet out of shyness. However, let me know ur schedule for Kolkata visit, if possible i can meet.

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RE: Visiting from London

Thank you all very much for your help.

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RE: Visiting from London

hi..have you arrived here in kolkata?

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RE: Visiting from London

What is fora?

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