Starting to go to the gym

Hi. I am 44 and I started to go to the gym two weeks ago. My belly has gotten too big and my diabetes is uncontrolled. The good news is my blood sugar is much better! I am making muscles on arms and legs.
But my belly doesn't seem to get any smaller. I've been doing 20 mins cardio 5 times a week.
thank you!

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

Sounds like you need to cut back on your calorie intake, as well as exercising. I found MyFitnessPal ( a very useful tool in managing my calorie intake, and helping me lose 0.5kg per week. I've lost 10kg since I started using MyFitnessPal, and have lost my belly and love handles in the process. Exercise alone won't work. You need to manage your intake as well. :-))

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

I have definately reduced my calorie intake. I eat smaller portions now which partly explains why my blood sugar is improving. However, my belly is the same. Maybe it's gonna take a while cuz I have had this belly for many years.

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

It will certainly take more than two weeks, but you really need to count your calories, rather than just 'cutting down'. You will be surprised how many calories are in different foods, and how much you need to change your diet in order to lose weight, and more importantly fat. I strongly urge you to use MyFitnessPal if you are serious about losing that belly. It's free, and even comes with a phone app, which makes it easier to enter food into your daily diary as you eat it - or think about it. You can plan your meals in advance knowing how many calories you have to play with, and how many calories are in each type of food. It also allows you to enter details of your cardio and strength exercise to gain calorie credits. And it can be linked to your Fitbit device, if you have one of those. :-))

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

Good luck mate - I concur with what has been posted previously. two weeks is not a long time - you are moving to a new fitter lifestyle so sustainable changes don't happen over night. A bit of my own advice - don't get too hung up on the scales if you do weigh in, once fortnight or so is enough and remember the old cliche about muscle being heavier than fat.
Also, embrace the journey you are on - enjoy the gym and the other fitness activities activities - push yourself but have fun doing it. don't just see fitness as a means to an end - it feels great being fit!

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

I would definitely recommend food logging like MyFitnessPal, it's also important to seriously look at portion sizes. I have a Fitbit which nags me to complete my daily steps which helps me get out and walk more. I found the Fast Diet, sometimes called the 5:2 diet was a great way to lose weight, but I would check with your doctor first before trying it. But the good news is you're doing something about it, good luck.

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

Thank you all for your support. I have checked out that website. I will avoid looking at the scale as I realize it is misleading. Thank you , thank you guys!

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RE: Starting to go to the gym

Good luck with getting fit. i agree with the other remarksmabout diet. even more important is to watch _what_ you eat. good old fashioned fresh food is best in sensible proportions. Avoid processed food,they often contain added salt and/or sugar. for drinks, I go with good old fashioned water mostly. :)
As for exercise, cardio is all well and good, but add some strength work. This will build muscle, which is good at burning calories.
finally, again as others have said, give it time. Physical change takes a lot of time, especially if it is to be lasting..

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