RE:Do you wear them when you go out?

I always wear my testicle weight sometimes3 or 4 I can wear 5 inches of donut weight over 5lbs love them good stress reliever .feels very good in public

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RE:Do you wear them when you go out?

I do sometimes, but I find that with steel rings they sometimes come off, due to everything shrinking and it is a bit embarrassing if they fall out of your trousers when you are not wearing jocks!!

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RE:Do you wear them when you go out?

Ball weight

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RE:Do you wear them when you go out?

I love to wear mine 24/7 wearing my 3lb one all I time and add 2lbs more during the day the tug feels great

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RE:Do you wear them when you go out?

I DO like wearing cockrings . My wear pattern is on how I feel and whether I am going commando/free balling.

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