Petition to make Folly Beach clothing optioonal

Click here to make part of Folly Beach clothing optional.

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RE: Petition to make Folly Beach clothing optioonal

"HOLY CRAP PEOPLE! I'm #16 having signed the petition? You know this is why nothing gets done. You want a HAULOVER or SANDY HOOK in South Carolina? Get your butts moving and sign this. GEEEZ!"I can't agree more!!!!

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RE: Petition to make Folly Beach clothing optioonal

Yes, with the miles and miles of beaches in SC, I'm sure a quarter mile here and there could be spared for CO. It must be demonstrated, however, that a real demand exists. Petitions such as this must be supported by the nudists or we are going to see less COO beaches rather than more.It would be a major undertaking to get the laws changed. An easier alternative is non-enforcement of the existing laws.

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